
Original Title: Nang
Written by: Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Subject: A collection of 12 social stories: Explosion, Moosa, It depends who the thief is, Disgrace, Haj Agha, Mother, Rasoul, Truck, Maternity hospital, In the office, Landlord, disarmament)
Language: Persian
Number of pages: 102 pages 
Print volume: 3000 copies
Edition: First
Size: 15 x 21.5 cm
Year: May 1980
Publisher: Samira publishes (This is the first published book of Mohsen Makhmalbaf)
About writing and publishing this book Mohsen Makhmalbaf says:" I wrote these 12 stories for the radio. But when it came to 100 pages I wanted to make them permanent by printing them but no publisher was willing to publish my first book because nobody knew me. Then my first daughter "Samira" was born and my friends and relatives brought some presents for her birth. I sold all the presents and borrowed some money and managed to publish the book under the name of Samira publishes, whose birth was the reason that this book got printed. When the book was printed and came out of bookbinding for the first time I felt that I am a writer. Later I used to ask myself whether the feeling of being a writer is related to writing or publishing the writings? And I noticed that you won't know yourself as a writer unless others know you as a writer. All of us are usually what people think about us. And it takes a long time to know yourself as what you really are and not what people think about you. 

The printed books were piled in the corner of our rooms but no one was willing to distribute them. At last I decided to distribute them myself and I gave 10 copies to each bookseller and asked them to give me the money when the books were sold. Months later I went to the booksellers and all of them returned the books to me and as I didn't want my obscure published thoughts to make me hopeless, I distributed the books, which were printed with the money of the presents of my first child "Samira", as a present. Later when I was looking for this book for uploading Makhmalbaf Film House site none of the people, whom had got this book from me as a present and had insisted on me signing them had the book. At the end I bought it from a peddler in front of Tehran University.