Kandahar Dialogue List (English)

Create: Wed, 09/18/2013 - 17:39
Author: MFH


1//What's your name?/00:01:04:17/00:01:05:17
3//Who are you?/00:01:07:15/00:01:09:00
4//I'm the bride's cousin./00:01:10:09/00:01:13:18
5/Miss Nafas, you've decided/to go inside Afghanistan,.../00:04:26:06/00:04:32:00
6/... I'll find you a good family so/you can go with them./00:04:32:05/00:04:38:22
7/But if someone asks/you on the way,.../00:04:39:00/00:04:42:16
8/... you should say you are/the family's daughter or wife.../00:04:42:21/00:04:49:15
9//... so they won't recognize you./00:04:49:20/00:04:52:15
10/Today is the last day/that you can attend school.../00:04:58:13/00:05:04:05
11/... since you are returning to/Afghanistan and .../00:05:04:10/00:05:08:02
12/... won't be able to go/to school there./00:05:08:23/00:05:11:20
13/You will have to stay/at home./00:05:12:07/00:05:14:18
14//But you must not lose hope./00:05:15:00/00:05:17:10
15/If the walls are high,/the sky is higher./00:05:18:08/00:05:22:18
16/One day other people in/the world may become aware.../00:05:23:07/00:05:26:00
17/... of your plight and/will help you./00:05:26:05/00:05:28:00
18/If they don't, you should/help yourself./00:05:28:12/00:05:31:22
19/If you find the world of/your home small,.../00:05:32:20/00:05:35:15
20/... you should close your eyes and/ imagine that you are an ant./00:05:35:20/00:05:38:22
21/When you think you're/an ant.../00:05:39:03/00:05:41:08
22/... then your small home will/appear huge./00:05:42:02/00:05:48:05
23//Now all of you clap./00:05:48:20/00:05:50:20
24//Now we are going to practice./00:06:17:02/00:06:19:02
25/I will put one of these dolls down/and will place my foot over it./00:06:19:13/00:06:21:21
26/If it makes any sound,/it means I'm dead./00:06:22:02/00:06:24:10
27/I'm closing my eyes and throwing/the rest of the dolls on the ground./00:06:28:05/00:06:31:05
28//One, two, three. Good./00:07:33:06/00:07:36:22
29//You move a bit to the back./00:07:39:12/00:07:42:00
30//Look at the camera./00:07:42:21/00:07:44:20
31/Don't move./Look at the camera./00:07:45:00/00:07:46:00
32/-Do you see that black head?/-Yes./00:08:36:20/00:08:39:10
33//If I give you 100 dollars,.../00:08:41:20/00:08:44:10
34/... would you take her safe and/sound to Qandahar?/00:08:45:10/00:08:49:08
35/Would you agree to pretend...//00:08:49:13/00:08:54:00
36/...that she's your fourth wife/and describe her as that.../00:08:55:00/00:08:58:10
37/... to anyone who asks/about her on the way./00:08:58:15/00:09:01:05
38//Why pretend?/00:09:01:15/00:09:02:15
39/I have two Hazara wives,/one Pushto-speaking wife./00:09:02:20/00:09:05:20
40/I had an Uzbek wife/who died./00:09:06:00/00:09:08:00
41//If I take a Tajik wife,.../00:09:08:05/00:09:09:15
42/... all of Afghanistan is gathered/in my house./00:09:09:20/00:09:12:05
43/Everybody, look at the camera,/one,two,three./00:09:17:16/00:09:23:10
44/Take this UN flag./Hang it in front of your car./00:09:24:01/00:09:26:14
45//It'll be your security./00:09:26:23/00:09:28:15
46/Take these 20 dollars for/spending inside Afghanistan./00:09:29:00/00:09:33:02
47/Remember we have your/pictures in the file.../00:09:34:00/00:09:37:00
48/... so don't return from/Afghanistan.../00:09:38:14/00:09:40:14
49/... in the hope that you'll/get more dollars./00:09:40:17/00:09:41:17
50/Do you understand,/father?/00:09:41:22/00:09:42:22
51//Dollar, Madam!/00:09:43:00/00:09:45:00
52/And, now the latest on the/eclipse:/00:10:48:02/00:10:50:10
53/The longest eclipse of the/20th century will take place.../00:10:50:15/00:10:53:10
54//... in two days time./00:10:53:15/00:10:55:00
55/It will enter from the west of/Iran and pass east through Afghanistan./00:10:55:10/00:11:00:00
56/From there it will move to/the Indian sub-continent./00:11:00:05/00:11:03:00
57//It's getting late./00:11:05:10/00:11:09:02
58//Would you like some bread?/00:11:12:16/00:11:14:10
59/No, what am I going to do/with bread? It's getting late./00:11:15:00/00:11:17:00
60/First, you must cover/your face./00:11:17:05/00:11:21:00
61/We have honour, we have faith,/and we have religion./00:11:21:20/00:11:25:10
62/Other men should not/see our women./00:11:25:20/00:11:28:15
63/When you are with me,/people will make fun of me.../00:11:28:20/00:11:32:10
64/... if I appear to be a man/without dignity,.../00:11:32:15/00:11:35:15
65/... they will say 'his wife is not/covering her face./00:11:35:20/00:11:38:20
66/You are not wearing this burqa/for show. It is for hijab (cover)./00:11:39:00/00:11:42:10
67/All right, I will cover/my face,.../00:11:43:04/00:11:45:05
68/... but I'm not really/married to you./00:11:45:10/00:11:47:15
69/It's true that you are/not my wife.../00:11:47:20/00:11:50:10
70/... but people might make/fun of me./00:11:50:15/00:11:53:00
71/They will point at me,/and say.../00:11:53:05/00:11:57:15
72/... 'look' his wife doesn't cover/her face./00:11:57:20/00:12:04:00
73//Ok, so when are we going to go?/00:12:04:10/00:12:05:15
74/I have to call the driver./He's having his lunch now./00:12:05:20/00:12:08:20
75//Go call the black heads to hurry./00:12:09:07/00:12:13:08
76//Call the black heads so we can go./00:12:17:17/00:12:20:10
77/Ladies! Why aren't you moving?/It's getting late./00:12:27:06/00:12:30:00
78/Why do you make us hurry,/sister?/00:12:34:00/00:12:37:00
79//We'll get to Qandahar in the end./00:12:37:10/00:12:39:10
80/We must arrive in/Qandahar by tomorrow./00:12:39:15/00:12:42:02
81//Let these kids paint their nails./00:12:42:07/00:12:44:15
82/What the hell are you doing/with a bunch of women and kids?/00:14:37:10/00:14:40:10
83//Don't cry, Children./00:14:42:05/00:14:44:05
84//That's enough./00:14:44:10/00:14:45:15
85/Thank God./Thanks for your kindness./00:14:46:00/00:14:49:20
86/Thank you for your/greatness./00:14:52:20/00:14:58:15
87//Let go. Let go./00:15:00:13/00:15:02:15
88/Surely God is great,/God is kind, and God is forgiving./00:15:11:00/00:15:13:05
89//Thanks be to God./00:15:13:10/00:15:14:10
90/If you are safe my children,/that's enough./00:15:14:15/00:15:16:15
91//Thanks be to God./00:15:16:20/00:15:20:07
92/God! Whatever you bring us,/we're satisfied,/00:15:20:17/00:15:23:15
95//Tell us about the sword./00:17:42:13/00:17:44:05
96/The sword is a cold weapon/used in performing God's commands and .../00:17:44:10/00:14:46:17
97/... with the order of the governor/cuts the hand of the thief,.../00:17:46:20/00:17:48:20
98/... the neck of the murderer and/the breast of the unbeliever./00:17:48:23/00:17:50:20
100//Quiet. Quiet./00:18:27:10/00:18:29:15
101//The Kalashnikov?/00:18:30:04/00:18:32:05
102/The Kalashnikov is a/smooth working,.../00:18:33:08/00:18:35:08
103/... semi-automatic assault rifle/that depends on.../00:18:35:11/00:18:37:10
104/... a powder charge and spring/action./00:18:37:13/00:18:39:13
105/It kills the living and kicks death/at everything surrounding it./00:18:39:18/00:18:42:22
106/You made a mistake./Say it again./00:18:44:00/00:18:45:15
107/The Kalashnikov is a smooth/ working,.../00:18:46:00/00:18:48:05
108/... semi-automatic assault/rifle that works.../00:18:48:08/00:18:50:09
109/... with a powder charge and/spring action./00:18:50:12/00:18:52:12
110/It kills the living and kicks/the death out of the battlefield./00:18:53:03/00:18:59:18
113//Why aren't you moving?/00:19:11:07/00:19:12:15
114//I've a back pain./00:19:12:20/00:19:14:00
115//Recite the Holy Quran./00:19:14:07/00:19:16:05
116//No, you recite./00:19:21:00/00:19:23:05
117//Recite like this./00:19:30:01/00:19:32:02
118/No, you don't know it./Why can't you recite properly?/00:19:36:05/00:19:40:00
120/You have not studied well and/are only singing it like a song./00:19:42:20/00:19:45:15
121/Recite again./Learn. Recite it properly./00:19:45:20/00:19:47:20
122//No,no... you read./00:19:55:08/00:19:57:08
123//Recite like that./00:20:08:21/00:20:10:15
124//No, not like this./00:20:16:16/00:20:19:05
125/You have not studied well./Why?/00:20:19:17/00:20:21:15
126/Read it properly otherwise/I'll throw you out of school./00:20:21:20/00:20:24:20
127/Where is your mind wondering?/You don't read well./00:20:25:08/00:20:29:18
128/No, not like this./Go and call your mother./00:20:33:12/00:20:36:12
132/-How are you?/-Fine thanks./00:21:09:10/00:21:11:10
133/I'm Khak's mother./Why you have thrown Khak out of school?/00:21:11:15/00:21:17:00
134/He's not studying. Otherwise,/I wouldn't have sent him home./00:21:17:08/00:21:21:00
135/Help him Mullah, he'll do/his studies./00:21:21:10/00:21:24:20
136/I've thrown him out/several times./00:21:29:05/00:21:30:10
137/If he stays in school,/he won't learn anything./00:21:30:15/00:21:32:15
138/He's not going to/become a Talib./00:21:32:20/00:21:34:20
139//Send him to Iran to work./00:21:35:05/00:21:40:00
141//Finish your lunch,.../00:21:44:00/00:21:45:00
142/... it's time for prayers,/get ready to pray./00:21:45:05/00:21:47:05
143/Khak! You don't work/on your studies,.../00:21:48:12/00:21:50:20
144/... you're not going to become/a Talib./00:21:51:00/00:21:53:00
145//Go and change you clothes./00:21:53:05/00:21:56:05
146/Finish your lunch./It's time for prayers./00:21:57:05/00:22:02:12
147//Eat properly./00:22:03:00/00:22:04:00
148/God bless the Mullah./He accepted my son into the school./00:22:07:12/00:22:10:02
149/Why should God bless him?/He kicked my son out./00:22:11:01/00:22:14:10
150/My son lost his/father to the mines./00:22:14:20/00:22:18:14
151/We have nobody./we've nothing to eat./00:22:19:04/00:22:21:12
152/We too have nothing to eat,/so my son needs to go to school./00:22:21:17/00:22:26:15
153/He's young./ He can't work./00:22:27:14/00:22:30:00
154/You took 200 dollars from/me to take me to Qandahar./00:23:38:16/00:23:41:05
155/Now you're leaving/me half way./00:23:41:15/00:23:44:05
156/You saw how they robbed us./What can I do?/00:23:44:15/00:23:49:12
157/I've got to return to Iran for/the safety of my family./00:23:49:17/00:23:51:17
158/You know that I have to go to/Qandahar for my sister./00:23:52:07/00:23:55:00
159/But I've got to return to/Iran for my family./00:23:55:05/00:23:57:04
160//Afghanistan is unsafe./00:23:57:09/00:23:58:20
161/Can I recite the Quran/for your dead?/00:23:59:00/00:24:01:00
162/We are dead; if you want to/recite the Quran, recite it for us./00:24:01:05/00:24:04:00
163/-So, what shall I do now?/-Come with us to Iran./00:24:04:05/00:24:07:15
164/If you wanted to go/back to Iran,.../00:24:08:06/00:24:10:06
165/... why did you come to/Afghanistan and take me with you?/00:24:10:11/00:24:13:00
166/Well, I used to think that/Afghanistan is our country.../00:24:13:17/00:24:15:20
167/... and we could go to/live there./00:24:15:23/00:24:17:12
168/But all there is here is/killing and famine, drought and hunger./00:24:17:17/00:24:20:12
169/I've got to return to Iran/with my family./00:24:20:17/00:24:23:15
170//Then what should I do?/00:24:24:12/00:24:25:23
171/If you want, you can come/with us to Iran./00:24:26:03/00:24:28:10
172/If not, go with that horse and/cart to Qandahar./00:24:28:15/00:24:33:05
173/Can I recite the holy/Quran for your dead?/00:24:34:10/00:24:36:10
174//Forgive me sister./00:24:37:02/00:24:38:15
175/Your journey is more dangerous/than ours./00:24:39:05/00:24:41:00
176/Take the UN flag./It might come in handy./00:24:41:15/00:24:44:20
177//Boy! Give this to the lady./00:24:45:20/00:24:47:20
178/If you see any dolls on the way,/don't touch them, Ok?/00:24:48:15/00:24:51:15
179//Can I recite the holy Quran?/00:24:53:05/00:24:55:05
180/-Can you take me to Qandahar?/-No, the road to Qandahar is rubble./00:24:55:12/00:24:58:05
181/You have to walk/for half a day,.../00:24:58:10/00:25:00:10
182/... and then from there you/can find a cart to take you.../00:25:00:13/00:25:03:12
183/-Where are you going?/-Qandahar./00:25:04:04/00:25:06:10
184/How much will you pay/me to take you there?/00:25:06:15/00:25:08:12
185/-How far is it?/-Three days./00:25:08:17/00:25:10:16
186//I've only got two days./00:25:10:21/00:25:13:16
187/If you go slowly,/it'll take three days. If you go faster.../00:25:14:10/00:25:17:02
188/... it'll be two./But if you run, it'll take only one day./00:25:17:07/00:25:19:07
189//I'll run./00:25:19:17/00:25:21:05
190//-So how much will you pay?00:25:20:12/00:25:22:05
191//-How much do you want?/00:25:22:23/00:25:24:02
192//50000 Afghanis./00:25:24:09/00:25:25:12
193/I don't have Afghanis./I can pay you in dollars./00:25:25:21/00:25:28:15
194//50000 dollars./00:25:28:23/00:25:30:10
195//What are you talking about?/00:25:30:15/00:25:33:00
196//50000 Afghanis is equal to one dollar./00:25:33:05/00:25:35:12
197/One dollar is nothing./I want 50000 dollars./00:25:35:22/00:25:39:00
198/I will give you 50 dollars./How is that?/00:25:39:11/00:25:42:02
199/OK. Put your bruqa so/I can see your face./00:25:42:07/00:25:44:00
200/Why do you want to/see my face?/00:25:44:05/00:25:45:20
201/Because I want to know/you're not cheating./00:25:46:00/00:25:49:00
202//Look, here's my face./00:25:50:00/00:25:52:00
203//-Is it a lie?/25:53:02/25:55:00
204//-No, it's all right. Let's go./00:25:55:05/00:25:57:20
205/-What is your name?/00:26:12:17/00:26:13:20
207//-Where do you earn your money?/00:26:16:20/00:26:28:20
208//-Where do you earn your money?/00:26:19:00/00:26:21:10
209/I'm a university student and/I'm paid a grant./00:26:22:10/00:26:26:12
210//I live by my voice./00:26:29:08/00:26:31:08
211/How can you earn/money with your voice?/00:26:31:15/00:26:34:08
212/Give me a dollar and/I'll show you./00:26:35:08/00:26:38:05
213//-I already gave you 50 dollars./00:26:38:00/00:26:40:00
214 //-That was for your trip to Qandahar./00:26:40:15/00:26:43:02
215/Ok, here's a dollar./Now sing./00:26:43:07/00:26:47:00
216/I'll sing, but turn your face/away from me./00:26:47:07/00:26:50:07
217//Don't look at me./00:26:51:20/00:26:52:20
218//-Why not?/00:26:53:00/00:26:54:00
219 //-I'm shy. I'll sing. But look away./00:26:54:05/00:26:56:02
220//All right./00:26:56:07/00:26:58:00
221/-Don't look at me!/-Why not?/00:27:03:00/00:27:05:00
222//I'm shy./00:27:05:05/00:27:07:05
223//Here, there are two routes:/00:27:52:00/00:27:54:00
224/this direction, and that one./Let's go by the longer road./00:27:54:05/00:27:58:10
225/I've no time for the longer road./We'll take the short one./00:27:58:20/00:28:02:08
226/Don't be afraid./You go by the short one;/00:28:03:08/00:28:05:10
227/I will take the longer/journey way so.../00:28:05:15/00:28:07:15
228/... I can pick up find things/to get money for my mother.../00:28:07:20/00:28:10:10
230/Khak, Khak,/where are you?/00:28:51:14/00:28:55:12
231//Khak, Khak, where did you go?/00:28:55:18/00:28:59:21
232//Khak, Khak, where are you?/00:29:00:09/00:29:05:05
233//I've found a beautiful ring./00:29:09:00/00:29:11:20
234/Look, what a beautiful ring./I've found a beautiful ring.../00:29:12:20/00:29:15:20
235/... wait, I found a ring./Would you like it for 5 dollars?/00:29:16:00/00:29:19:00
236/What a beautiful ring./Wait. Won't you buy this ring?/00:29:39:05/00:29:43:05
237/It matches the colour/of your eyes./00:29:44:16/00:29:46:15
238/5 dollars, it's beautiful,/won't you buy it./00:29:46:20/00:29:50:05
239/-What's your name?/-Nafasgul./00:31:51:00/00:31:54:00
240/-Who's sick?/-My mother./00:31:54:20/00:31:58:00
241//-What's wrong with her?/00:31:58:13/00:32:00:00
242 //-She has stomach ache./00:32:00:05/00:32:02:22
243//Is she vomiting?/00:32:04:14/00:32:07:08
244//Are you vomiting?/00:32:10:05/00:32:12:10
247/-Does she have diarrhea?/-Do you have diarrhea?/00:32:17:17/00:32:20:22
250/-What did she have for breakfast?/-What did you have for breakfast?/00:32:25:20/00:32:29:00
251/I had a stomach ache and/didn't eat anything./00:32:29:15/00:32:31:20
252/She had a stomach ache and/didn't eat anything./00:32:32:00/00:32:34:02
253/Did she eat something hard/to digest last night?/00:32:34:15/00:32:36:15
254/Did you have something hard/to digest last night?/00:32:37:13/00:32:39:00
255/I had stomach ache and/didn't eat anything./00:32:39:05/00:32:42:02
256/She had stomach ache and/didn't eat anything./00:32:42:10/00:32:44:10
257/Did she have this pain/yesterday evening?/00:32:49:00/00:32:51:00
258/Did you have this pain/yesterday evening?/00:32:51:05/00:32:53:05
259//Yes. I did./00:32:53:10/00:32:54:20
261/Did she have left-over meat/for lunch yesterday?/00:32:56:10/00:32:58:10
262/Did you eat left-over meat/for lunch yesterday?/00:32:58:15/00:33:00:15
263/Yesterday I had stomach pains and/didn't eat anything./00:33:00:20/00:33:03:20
264/Yesterday she had stomach/pains and didn't eat anything./00:33:04:03/00:33:09:05
265/What did she eat/yesterday morning?/00:33:09:13/00:33:11:00
266/What did you eat/yesterday morning?/00:33:11:05/00:33:13:00
267/I had stomach pains and/didn't eat anything./00:33:13:05/00:33:15:05
268/She had stomach pains and/didn't eat anything./00:33:15:10/00:33:17:10
269//Tell your mother to come here./00:33:17:15/00:33:19:17
270//Open your mouth./00:33:20:07/00:33:22:10
271//Say 'ah'/00:33:30:18/00:33:32:15
272//Say 'ah'/00:33:35:15/00:33:37:15
273//Tell her to cough./00:33:39:06/00:33:41:10
274/Tell her to bring her/eyes closer./00:33:48:00/00:33:51:00
275/Bring your eyes to/the front of the curtain./00:33:51:08/00:33:54:00
276/She has an iron/deficiency./00:34:09:22/00:34:11:22
277//-Do you have stomach pains too?/00:34:12:20/00:34:14:00
2781 //-Yes./00:34:14:05/00:34:15:05
279//From yesterday morning?/00:34:15:15/00:34:17:15
280//From three days ago./00:34:18:14/00:34:20:15
281/Come sister, eat this/bread,.../00:34:25:15/00:34:27:20
282/... and take it three times a day,/morning, noon and night./00:34:28:00/00:34:32:06
283/-Hello! Is Tabib Sahib in?/-Yes./00:34:41:20/00:34:44:20
284/-Who's sick?/-My sister./00:34:59:16/00:35:02:00
285//What's wrong with her?/00:35:02:10/00:35:03:15
286//She has a stomach ache./00:35:04:14/00:35:06:15
287/She has diarrhea and/is vomiting./00:35:08:04/00:35:13:05
288//-What has she eaten since yesterday?/00:35:13:10/00:35:15:00
289 //-Water and bread./00:35:15:05/00:35:16:15
290/-Where did she drink the water from?/-From a well./00:35:16:22/00:35:20:10
291//Give her this to take./00:35:25:03/00:35:27:05
292//Tabib Sahib, she has fever./00:35:31:00/00:35:33:10
293//Tell her to come here./00:35:34:04/00:35:36:10
294/Tabib Sahib says to come/close so he can examine you./00:35:36:20/00:35:40:10
295/I know it's from the water/I drank form the well./00:36:03:01/00:36:06:05
296/Tell her bring her ear/close to the curtain./00:36:15:04/00:36:17:05
297/Say to your sister to put/her mouth near the curtain./00:36:38:10/00:36:41:12
298/I've got something/for you./00:37:02:15/00:37:05:05
299//Walnuts-take them./00:37:11:03/00:37:12:10
300//Tell her to take a deep breath./00:37:26:15/00:37:32:20
301//Take a deep breath, like this./00:37:35:11/00:37:38:10
300/Tell her to bring her/ear to the curtain./00:37:54:09/00:37:57:00
303/Your sickness is very bad./Your ear must be near the curtain./00:37:57:12/00:38:01:10
304//Tell her to take a deep breath./00:38:19:00/00:38:21:15
305//Take a deep breath, like this./00:38:23:09/00:38:26:20
306/-Hello, Tabib Sahib./-Hello, mother./00:38:48:20/00:38:51:10
307/-I have two chickens for sale./-If they're healthy, I'll buy them./00:38:51:23/00:38:55:10
308//-Khak, come here./00:39:00:20/00:39:02:20
309//-What for?/00:39:02:24/00:39:04:00
310/I gave you 50 dollars./Take 50 more, and go home./00:39:06:05/00:39:11:13
311//I'll carry on , on my own./00:39:11:18/00:39:14:20
312/You can't go on your own./There are .../00:39:18:20/00:39:20:20
313/... lots of mines on the way;/the place is full of thieves./00:39:21:00/00:39:23:20
314/You're going too slowly;/I don't have time./00:39:24:00/00:39:26:15
315//You're sick. You go slow./00:39:26:20/00:39:27:20
316/I'm healthy./I go faster than you./00:39:28:00/00:39:31:00
317/I'm sick./I can't go at all. Go home./00:39:31:20/00:39:37:08
318/Give me a dollar/and buy this ring./00:39:41:14/00:39:44:10
319//No, I don't want it./00:39:44:15/00:39:45:15
320/You took it from the finger/of someone who's dead./00:39:45:20/00:39:47:20
321/It's clean. The skeleton/was clean. Buy it./00:39:48:06/00:39:52:05
322/-I don't want the ring./-It's a beautiful ring, just for a dollar./00:39:54:20/00:39:58:00
323/No, I don't want the ring./Go. Go home./00:39:58:05/00:40:00:00
324//It's a beautiful ring./00:40:00:05/00:40:02:10
325//I don't want it. Go home./00:40:02:15/00:40:04:15
326/It is the colour of your eyes;/buy it, it's cheap./00:40:06:10/00:40:11:22
327//No, I don't want it./00:40:12:12/00:40:14:12
328//Good-bye then, I'm going./00:40:15:00/00:40:17:00
329/These chickens are sick,/don't sell them, don't eat them./00:40:20:05/00:40:23:05
330//Take this money for food./00:40:27:09/00:40:31:10
331//Hey! Want to buy this ring?/00:42:18:20/00:42:21:00
332//I told you I don't./00:42:21:10/00:42:22:15
333/It's a nice ring./It matches your eyes. I don't want money./00:42:22:20/00:42:26:22
334/-I don't want it./-Why not?/00:42:27:04/00:42:29:10
335/Because you took this from/a dead person's finger./00:42:29:15/00:42:32:02
336/The skeleton was clean./Take it for free. I don't want money./00:42:32:09/00:42:37:00
337/No, I don't want it./You took it from a dead person's finger./00:42:37:20/00:42:41:05
338//The ring is clean./00:42:41:15/00:42:43:15
339/I will give it to you like/this, without money./00:42:43:20/00:42:46:12
340//No, I don't want it./00:42:46:17/00:42:47:20
341/Take it. If you don't want it,/take it to your sister;.../00:42:48:15/00:42:52:10
342//... take it to your sister./00:42:52:15/00:42:55:20
343/-I don't want it./-Why not? Take it to your sister./00:42:56:17/00:42:59:10
344//Give it to me and go./00:43:00:15/00:43:03:20
345/For God's sake,/ take me to the Red Cross./00:46:33:20/00:46:37:00
346//-Give me a ride to the Red Cross!/00:46:51:07/00:46:53:00
3471 //-Get up, we'll talk./00:46:53:05/00:46:54:10
349//God bless you./00:47:02:05/00:47:03:05
350/-Where are you going?/-To the Red Cross./00:47:03:10/00:47:05:18
351/My wife lost her legs/on land mine./00:47:06:13/00:47:09:08
352/The Red Cross had given/her these temporary legs for one year./00:47:09:18/00:47:14:22
353/Now a year is up and/I'm going to exchange them.../00:47:15:02/00:47:18:00
354//... for a pair of permanent new legs./00:47:18:05/00:47:21:05
355/-What is your name?/-Hamedullah./00:47:26:14/00:47:28:00
356/-Were you in the war?/-No, I was working on my farm./00:47:28:05/00:47:31:00
357//I lost my leg to a land mine./00:47:31:05/00:47:33:05
358/-Do you have a lot of pain?/-Yes, lots of pain./00:47:36:10/00:47:38:10
359/-Can you sleep at night?/-No, I can't./00:47:38:15/00:47:41:10
360/We'll give you some medication./But you must wait./00:47:42:15/00:47:45:10
361/Doctor, I have lost my/hand in a mine explosion./00:47:45:15/00:47:48:20
362/Can you give me an/artificial hand?/00:47:49:00/00:47:51:00
363/Were you walking on/your hands in a mine field?!/00:47:56:16/00:47:59:12
364/No, I was going to Qandahar./I saw the mine./00:47:59:18/00:48:02:20
365/I lost my balance and fell on/the mine with my hand./00:48:03:06/00:48:06:08
366/I'm the only remaining/child in my family./00:48:08:13/00:48:09:13
367/I had four brothers;/mines killed all of them./00:48:09:18/00:48:12:00
368/Only I'm left./And I too am left in misery./00:48:12:05/00:48:17:05
369/I lost my leg in a mine/explosion./00:48:17:11/00:48:20:10
370/Here, they only give us a couple/of packs of Ampicillin.../00:48:20:15/00:48:23:15
371/... and they say we'll/give you a leg tomorrow./00:48:23:20/00:48:26:10
372/We've been rotting/here,.../00:48:26:18/00:48:29:10
373/... there is no proper treatment,/no legs./00:48:29:15/00:48:34:00
374//I can't sleep night or day./00:48:34:05/00:48:38:05
375/I've lost my hand in a mine explosion;/give me a hand,.../00:48:38:10/00:48:41:05
376//... for God's sake./00:48:41:10/00:48:43:10
377/Here, we don't give hands./We only give legs./00:48:47:18/00:48:49:20
378/Well, then give me a pair/of legs, if not a hand./00:48:50:06/00:48:53:05
379/You have two legs,/what do you need artificial legs for?/00:48:54:22/00:48:57:00
380/I'm working in the desert near/Qandahar. There are.../00:48:57:05/00:49:00:00
381/... lots of mines there./I should have a pair of legs with me./00:49:00:05/00:49:03:00
382/-What's happened to you?/-I was going to my farm./00:49:07:13/00:49:10:10
383/A mine exploded./I've lots of pain in my leg./00:49:10:15/00:49:13:15
384/-What's your name?/-Ebrahim./00:49:13:20/00:49:15:15
385/-What're you doing?/-I'm a labourer./00:49:15:20/00:49:18:15
386/-How old are you?/-Twenty./00:49:19:00/00:49:21:00
387//You must wait./00:49:21:20/00:49:23:20
388//Why do you come here every day?/00:49:25:12/00:49:27:12
389/I don't come every day./I've just come today./00:49:27:17/00:49:29:17
390//Give me a pair of legs./00:49:29:22/00:49:31:20
391/Can't you see? There are lots of/people here without legs?/00:49:32:10/00:49:35:20
392/You have two legs./We don't give hands here./00:49:36:00/00:49:38:18
393/I've lost my leg in a mine explosion./I was going to my farm./00:49:39:20/00:49:42:05
394/Don't touch!/It hurts./00:49:42:10/00:49:44:10
395/I can't sleep day or night./Not for four months./00:49:44:15/00:49:47:10
396/If you don't want to give me/a pair of legs, give them.../00:49:47:20/00:49:49:20
397/... to me for my friend./I can't come here everyday./00:49:50:00/00:49:52:15
398/My friend was injured by a/mine and lost both of his legs./00:49:53:00/00:49:57:00
399/He has no one. Both his/parents were killed.../00:49:57:05/00:50:00:05
400/... in the war./I feel sorry for him./00:50:00:10/00:50:03:10
401/My leg has been amputated by a/mine exploded on my way to the farm./00:50:03:15/00:50:06:10
402/The injury is not fully/healed yet./00:50:06:15/00:50:08:15
403/You don't give us proper medication./I don't have any medication./00:50:08:20/00:50:11:00
404/I can't sleep./I'm really suffering./00:50:11:05/00:50:14:18
405/Give me a pair of legs/for my friend. Believe me./00:50:15:03/00:50:19:04
406/He has nobody. I'll take them/for him. Believe me./00:50:19:09/00:50:23:15
407/-I don't believe you./-I'm not lying./00:50:24:00/00:50:26:00
408/If you don't went to give me/a pair of legs for my friend.../00:50:26:18/00:50:27:18
409/... give me a pair for/my mother./00:50:27:21/00:50:29:00
410/My mother had both her/legs amputated./00:50:30:00/00:50:32:10
411/I was taking her to the hospital/over my shoulders. She fell off on a mine./00:50:33:20/00:50:42:10
412/My legs hurt very much./I can't walk./00:50:44:05/00:50:46:20
413/-You must try to walk./-Even when I use crutches, it still hurts./00:50:47:00/00:50:50:18
414/-Does it hurt at night or during the day?/-All the time./00:50:51:03/00:50:54:05
415/You must wait./We've ordered your leg./00:50:54:15/00:50:57:15
416/Doctor, give me a pair of legs/for my mother, for God's sake./00:50:58:00/00:50:01:20
417/-Your mother should come here./-My mother has no legs./00:51:06:00/00:51:09:00
418/She can't come. She is very weak./She is old. How can I bring her?/00:51:09:05/00:51:11:13
419/I don't believe you./Every day you have a new story./00:51:11:18/00:51:14:18
420/I haven't come every day./Today is my first day here./00:51:15:10/00:51:20:00
421//Give me a pair of legs for my mother./00:51:20:20/00:51:23:05
422//Follow me./00:51:26:12/00:51:28:15
423/I will give you a pair of/temporary legs for your mother.../00:51:38:18/00:51:41:20
424/... on one condition;/that you won't come here again./00:51:42:00/00:51:44:05
425/-Will you promise?/-Ok./00:51:44:20/00:51:46:07
426//Come and take these legs./00:51:46:12/00:51:48:18
427/This isn't a good pair,/No-one can walk with them./00:51:49:12/00:51:53:08
428//Give me a pair of good legs./00:51:54:04/00:51:57:10
429/I told you that I'll give you a/pair of temporary legs./00:51:57:17/00:52:00:10
430/We don't have any other/legs to spare./00:52:00:15/00:52:02:05
431//You can't walk with these./00:52:02:10/00:52:03:10
432/Give me a pair of better/legs, like those./00:52:03:15/00:52:05:05
433/These are someone else's./They were measured a year ago./00:52:05:10/00:52:07:10
434//They've waited a full year./00:52:08:00/00:52:10:12
435/For God's sake,/give me some better legs./00:52:11:05/00:52:16:10
436//Leave now. Go away./00:52:18:00/00:52:22:10
437/-Does it hurt a lot?/-It's tight. I can't walk./00:52:43:20/00:52:47:00
438/-Does it hurt now or at night?/-Now and at night. I can't sleep./00:52:51:10/00:52:55:15
439/Here's a pair of legs/ for your wife./00:54:34:13/00:54:37:05
440/But you must be very careful,/because if they break.../00:54:37:10/00:54:40:05
441/... she has to wait/another year./00:54:40:10/00:54:43:10
442/But Miss, They're huge./They're not fit for my wife./00:54:59:20/00:55:04:20
443/Why not?/We've measured them./00:55:05:10/00:55:07:10
444//They are man's legs./00:55:07:15/00:55:10:00
445/No. They must be strong,/so your wife can walk on them./00:55:10:16/00:55:15:05
446/She must be comfortable/while walking./00:55:16:00/00:55:19:00
447/How were the temporary legs?/Were they comfortable?/00:55:22:03/00:55:25:08
448/Miss, they are really huge./They wouldn't fit her./00:55:43:08/00:55:48:00
449//My wife has small legs./00:55:48:16/00:55:50:15
450/-They are not for beauty./-But they are very heavy./00:55:50:20/00:55:53:20
451/They have to be strong,/so your wife can walk on them./00:55:54:00/00:55:57:00
452/People wait more than a year/for them;.../00:55:57:05/00:56:00:05
453/... now that you have them,/you don't want them./00:56:00:10/00:56:03:00
454/They are man's legs,/ not a woman's./00:56:03:05/00:56:06:00
455/They are not for beauty./They are for her to .../00:56:06:05/00:56:09:00
456//... be able to walk comfortably./00:56:09:05/00:56:11:05
457/They are man's legs,/not a woman's./00:56:11:10/00:56:14:00
458//What are you doing?/00:56:14:05/00:56:15:20
459/I will take these./They are fit for her./00:56:16:00/00:56:19:05
460/No, what are you doing?/They are someone else's./00:56:20:02/00:56:23:08
461/Like your wife,/they have waited a full year./00:56:23:20/00:56:27:20
462/They are going to come/now to take them./00:56:28:00/00:56:31:16
463/Those are man's legs./My wife cannot walk with them./00:56:33:11/00:56:38:00
464/Your wife should be able to/walk on them comfortably./00:56:38:08/00:56:40:15
465/Come and take a look./They are a good fit./00:56:41:21/00:56:46:08
466/They match my wife's legs./The other ones.../00:56:47:02/00:56:49:12
467//... were huge and long./00:56:49:17/00:56:51:17
468/Look, these are my wife's/wedding shoes./00:57:04:16/00:57:07:16
469//This shoe fits this leg./00:57:07:21/00:57:12:08
470/Excuse me sir./Are you going to Qandahar?/00:58:05:09/00:58:07:10
471/No, Doctor. I don't need to go/to Qandahar./00:58:08:04/00:58:10:22
472/Take a look at these shoes./How beautiful they fit these legs./00:58:11:02/00:58:14:09
473/I'm going to take these legs/for my wife./00:58:15:05/00:58:19:00
474/I know she will not like/those legs./00:58:19:05/00:58:22:18
475/She will cry all night/long./00:58:23:06/00:58:25:05
476/For God's sake, let me/take these./00:58:26:09/00:58:28:09
477/I've a pair of legs,/would you like to buy them?/01:03:34:12/01:03:36:00
478//Get up, we'll talk./01:03:36:05/01:03:38:05
479/Would you like to/buy these legs?/01:03:48:00/01:03:50:00
480/Thank God, my legs are healthy./I don't need them./01:03:51:20/01:03:54:15
481/They are good for/you to have./01:03:54:20/01:03:56:20
482/They were my mother's./She never.../01:03:57:10/01:04:00:05
483/... walked with them./They are new./01:04:00:10/01:04:03:07
484/These deserts are full of mines./It's good to have a pair of spare legs./01:04:05:00/01:04:08:00
485/In the Red Cross camp,/people wait for a full year,.../01:04:08:05/01:04:11:05
486/... before they can get them./Four million Afghanis is not much./01:04:11:10/01:04:14:10
487/-Are you going to Qandahar?/-I'm not going to Qandahar./01:04:16:14/01:04:19:10
488//Whom do they belong to?/01:04:24:09/01:04:25:10
489/They were my poor mother's./She was old and.../01:04:25:18/01:04:28:20
490/... could not walk./She never used them. They are new./01:04:29:00/01:04:34:00
491/With the four million that/you'll give me, I will bury her./01:04:35:12/01:04:41:15
492//Can you take me to Qandahar?/01:04:48:04/01:04:50:04
493//No, I can't./01:04:50:18/01:04:52:18
494//Why not?/01:04:55:00/01:04:57:00
495/I can't./ I have problems./01:04:57:05/01:04:59:05
496/Why don't you go with/this gentleman?/01:04:59:10/01:05:00:18
497/Look, I'm a single woman./I've nothing with me./01:05:02:00/01:05:06:20
499//Take me to Qandahar./01:05:07:05/01:05:08:12
500/Since I've lost my hand,/they will ask where I lost it./01:05:08:17/01:05:12:08
501/If I say it was accidentally cut/in a machine they won't believe it./01:05:13:06/01:05:15:06
502/They will assume that I was a/mujahid and have fought against them./01:05:15:11/01:05:17:10
503/Whatever I say,/they won't believe it. They say.../01:05:17:15/01:05:18:15
504/... 'if your hand was cut in a machine,/what happened to your face?'/01:05:18:18/01:05:21:15
505/-Why don't you want to help this lady?/-Why don't you help her?/01:05:22:02/01:05:25:08
506//I told you./01:05:25:14/01:05:27:14
507/If I pay the four million,/will you take this lady to Qandahar?/01:05:28:06/01:05:30:15
508/I'm not going to Qandahar./Buy these legs,.../01:05:30:20/01:05:33:15
509/... since you are going to Qandahar,/in case you hit a mine./01:05:33:20/01:05:36:15
510/He has a problem./He can't take me./01:05:37:03/01:05:40:00
511//You're afraid./01:05:40:05/01:05:41:15
512/No, I'm not afraid./Why don't you go?/01:05:41:22/01:05:44:10
513/If I give you 100 dollars,/would you go?/01:05:44:20/01:05:47:00
514//100 dollars is nothing./01:05:47:05/01:05:49:22
515//You are scared./01:05:50:02/01:05:51:00
516/No, I'm not scared./100 dollar is nothing./01:05:50:02/01:05:51:02
517//What about 150./01:05:55:15/01:05:56:20
518/No, I won't go to Qandahar,/even for 150./01:05:57:00/01:05:58:20
519/Would you take me if/I pay you 200?/01:05:59:00/01:06:01:00
520/-How much?/-200 dollars./01:06:01:13/01:06:03:10
521/-200 dollars?/-Yes./01:06:03:15/01:06:05:15
522/Let me think about it./I will have to get my things,.../01:06:05:21/01:06:08:20
523//... then I'll come back./01:06:09:00/01:06:13:00
524/Give me the four million for/the legs,.../01:06:14:10/01:06:16:10
525/... then I'll return and take you/to Qandahar./01:06:16:15/01:06:21:02
526/I'm not going to pay you-that/way you'll return quickly enough./01:06:24:20/01:06:27:16
527/No, give me the money./You'll cheat./01:06:28:03/01:06:31:00
528/I'll go and come back/straight away. I'll go and.../01:06:31:07/01:06:34:10
529/... check on the road and/see whether it's safe or not./01:06:34:15/01:06:37:20
530/Keep the legs,/but give me my four million./01:06:47:13/01:06:49:00
531/I won't pay you until you/get back./01:06:49:05/01:06:50:10
532/Give me my four million,/so I can go./01:06:50:15/01:06:54:00
533/We're waiting./You make sure you come back./01:06:55:00/01:06:57:00
534//Don't be scared. It's me./01:11:15:20/01:11:17:20
535/Where did you go that/took you so long?/01:11:21:10/01:11:23:10
536/There is a wedding party/that's going to Qandahar./01:11:23:15/01:11:26:10
537/Hurry up./It's getting late./01:11:26:20/01:11:29:00
538/You and I should go/with that wedding party./01:11:29:05/01:11:31:22
539/Take the four million for/the legs and let's go./01:11:34:16/01:11:36:20
540/I can't sell the legs./They are a memory of my poor mother./01:11:37:00/01:11:41:15
542/If I speak, they'll know/I'm a man./01:13:20:11/01:13:22:20
543/You tell them that we are/the groom's cousins and .../01:13:23:00/01:13:26:00
544/... want to know the/bride's name./01:13:26:05/01:13:27:10
545/So, if we get stopped at/a checkpoint, we can answer./01:13:27:15/01:13:30:05
546/Excuse me Miss, we/are the groom's cousins./01:13:36:05/01:13:38:05
547/I was wondering what's/the name of our bride?/01:13:38:10/01:13:40:05
548/I'm the groom's cousin,/who are you?/01:13:40:10/01:13:43:05
549/I'm sorry. I made a mistake./We're the bride's cousins,.../01:13:43:15/01:13:46:08
550/... and wanted to know the/groom's name?/01:13:46:13/01:13:48:10
551/His name is Mosafer.//01:13:48:15/01:13:51:15
552/The groom's name is Mosafer,/and we are the bride's cousins./01:13:56:02/01:13:59:20
553/First she was claiming that/she was the groom's cousin,.../01:14:01:05/01:14:04:00
554/... and then she was saying/she was the bride's cousin./01:14:04:05/01:14:06:20
555/If we get caught we say we are/man and wife. What's your name?/01:14:20:12/01:14:26:17
556/- Nafas./- My name is Hayot/01:14:27:10/01:14:30:05
557/We will say we have/two childern, a daughter and a son./01:14:30:16/01:14:34:18
558/How come we are/going this way?/01:15:03:14/01:15:05:15
559/Excuse me sister, is this/the way to Qandahar?/01:15:07:00/01:15:10:00
560//Go and ask someone else./01:15:10:05/01:15:12:05
561//We are going somewhere else./01:15:12:10/01:15:14:10
562/Go and ask someone else./01:15:15:00/01:15:17:10
563/I'm taking my sons/to Iran./01:15:31:13/01:15:33:13
564/If you want, you can/come with us./01:15:33:18/01:15:35:20
565/No, we are going to Qandahar./01:15:36:03/01:15:38:00
566/ We are going to Iran./Now you can be the groom's cousin./01:15:38:05/01:15:41:05
568/Sit down, everybody/sit where they are./01:16:41:17/01:16:44:20
569/If we get caught, we say we are/man and wife./01:16:56:20/01:17:00:20
570//What was your name?/01:17:02:01/01:17:03:08
571/-Nafas./-My name is Hayot./01:17:03:13/01:17:05:15
572/Be quiet!/Stop speaking./01:17:05:20/01:17:08:05
573/Put your things on/the ground./01:17:09:02/01:17:12:05
574//Stand up!/01:17:13:00/01:17:14:00
575/Search them well and find/out what they have with them./01:17:14:05/01:17:17:20
576//Throw away your recorder./01:18:25:20/01:18:27:20
577/Search them./Look carefully under the burqas./01:18:31:20/01:18:35:10
578/-What's your name?/- Burqa./01:18:37:05/01:18:39:10
579/-What?/- Burqa./01:18:40:12/01:18:42:00
580//Go sit there./01:18:42:15/01:18:44:15
581/-What's your name?/- Zayer./01:18:56:10/01:18:58:20
582//Go sit there./01:18:59:00/01:19:01:00
583//-What's your name?/01:19:13:05/01:19:15:05
586//Go sit there./01:19:19:05/01:19:21:00
587//Go sit there./01:19:22:02/01:19:23:16
588//Throw away your recorder./01:19:37:20/01:19:39:10
589//The rest of you can go./01:19:39:15/01:19:41:15
590/I hope your wedding will/be a happy one./01:19:44:16/01:19:46:20
591/The rest of you are free/and can go now./01:19:47:20/01:19:50:15
592/-You! You wait. Search her./Search her well./01:20:06:11/01:20:08:20
593//-What's your name?/01:20:09:11/01:20:11:00
595//Who are you?/01:20:12:12/01:20:14:00
596//I'm the bride's cousin./01:20:14:20/01:20:18:10