Makhmalbafs to head the jury of Moscow and Edinburgh Film Festival simultaneously

Create: Wed, 06/19/2013 - 00:00
Author: MFH

-Samira Makhmalbaf as the head of the jury of Edinburgh film festival in Scotland

The sixty seventh edition of Edinburgh film festival which takes place in Scotland from 19 to 30 of June, has invited Samira Makhmalbaf to head its international jury for the main competition section in 2013.
Prior to this Samira Makhmalbaf has been the jury of some other prestigious film festival like Cannes, Venice, Berlin... She has also headed the jury in Montreal Film Festival in Canada as well as Göteborg in Sweden.
Samira Makhmalbaf has so far directed her two first films titled The Apple and the Blackboards in Iran and has shot her next two feature “At Five in the Afternoon” and “Two-Legged Horse” in Afghanistan. During the years, Samira has received many reputable awards for her works including the Grand Jury Award of the Cannes Film Festival twice for her films.

-Mohsen Makhmalbaf as the head of the jury of Moscow International Film Festival

Nikitia Mikhalkov, prominent russian filmmaker and the director of Moscow International Film Festival, has invited Mohsen Makhmalbaf as the president of the jury to the 35th edition of his festival.
Mohsen Makhmalbaf is attending the festival from 19 to 30th of June to chair the jury.
On this occasion, there will be a special screening of Makhmalbaf latest film “The Gardener” on the 24th of June in this festival.

- Publication of a book in Russian on Makhmalbaf Family

At the same time as the Moscow Film Festival, the newest book on Makhmalbaf family and their works written in Russian by Gulnara Abikeyeva gets ready for publication.
The well-known critic and the art director of the EurAsia Film Festival in Kazakistan, Gulnara Abikeyeva, is an expert in the film industry specializing in middle eastern cinema.

Her 350 page book in russian language on the Makhmalbaf family is being released during the Moscow film festival, which is considered to be the most important cinematic event in the russian speaking countries.
The russian publisher of the book, Publishing House, is holding an event for the release of the book on the 28th of June in Moscow.
The author Gulnara Abikeyeva, Mohsen Makhmalbaf and his wife Marziyeh Meshkiny will take part in the press conference during this event.

So far several book has been published internationally about the Makhmalbaf family in different languages including English, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Korean.