Stray Dogs Dialogue List With Time Code ‪(English)‬

Create:‎ چهارشنبه ۱۳۹۲/۶/۲۷ - ۱۶:۱۹
Author:‎ MFH

۱##Brother!‎ I found a book.‎#01.‎16.‎23 - 01.‎21.‎22
۲##Do we sell the book or burn it?‎#01.‎36.‎15 - 01.‎40.‎07
۳#Zahed, it's getting late;‎#they won't let us in.‎#01.‎55.‎05-02.‎00.‎09
۴## Zahed, let's go it's late.‎#02.‎32.‎10 - 02.‎36.‎22
۵#Come on guys.‎#The poppy is here.‎ There it is.‎#02.‎49.‎23 - 02.‎54.‎22
۶##Kill her.‎#03.‎06.‎11 - 03.‎11.‎10
۷#Quiet!‎ The poppy belongs to foreigners.‎#She understands us.‎#03.‎17.‎13 - 03.‎26.‎24
۸#The dog doesn't belong to Americans.‎#Mother fucking British own it.‎#03.‎30.‎13-03.‎37.‎06
۹#She is looking for Taliban.‎#Kill her.‎#03.‎37.‎07-03.‎41.‎08
۱۰##Zahed, let's go it is late.‎#03.‎58.‎19-04.‎04.‎24
۱۱#This dog belongs to the Russians.‎#She is after a nuclear bomb.‎#04.‎10.‎14-04.‎16.‎04
۱۲##Throw the fires!‎#04.‎16.‎05-04.‎18.‎16
۱۳#This dog was with the Americans#who killed Zaher's father.‎#04.‎19.‎05-04.‎26.‎07
۱۴#- Go save the dog.‎#- Ok.‎#04.‎26.‎15-04.‎30.‎21
۱۵#The poppy is American and#they killed our fathers.‎#04.‎30.‎22-04.‎35.‎03
۱۶#I don't see the dog in the ditch.‎#She may be dead.‎ Let's go guys.‎#05.‎14.‎05-05.‎20.‎18
۱۷#Take the sacs,#I'll go hide the poppy.‎#05.‎39.‎01-05.‎43.‎04
۱۸##let's go guys#05.‎47.‎12-05.‎50.‎17
۱۹##I knocked.‎ Nobody opens the door.‎#06.‎20.‎11-06.‎24.‎01
۲۰##I knocked.‎ Nobody opens the door.‎#06.‎34.‎02-06.‎37.‎17
۲۱#Who are you?‎#It's us.‎#06.‎43.‎08-06.‎47.‎11
۲۲##It's late now.‎ Come back tomorrow.‎#06.‎48.‎04-06.‎51.‎17
۲۳##Please open the door.‎#06.‎52.‎06-06.‎56.‎00
۲۴##Visiting hours is over.‎#07.‎00.‎06-07.‎03.‎14
۲۵#We are not visitors.‎#We're night prisoners.‎#07.‎04.‎20-07.‎09.‎19
۲۶##We are night prisoners.‎#07.‎16.‎01-07.‎18.‎23
۲۷##What are you doing outside then?‎#07.‎19.‎12-07.‎22.‎03
۲۸##Guard Atef knows us.‎#07.‎22.‎08-07.‎25.‎06
۲۹##Wait for clearance.‎#07.‎26.‎08-07.‎29.‎04
۳۰##Hi kids.‎#07.‎41.‎13-07.‎45.‎05
۳۱#If you are late again#we won't let you in.‎#07.‎45.‎06-07.‎48.‎11
۳۲##What's that you're holding?‎#07.‎48.‎12-07.‎50.‎12
۳۳##Dogs are prohibited in the prison.‎#07.‎52.‎01-07.‎55.‎08
۳۴#For God's sake let us bring her#in;‎ the kids will burn her.‎#07.‎55.‎09-08.‎02.‎09
۳۵##Would you want to see her dead?‎#08.‎02.‎10-08.‎06.‎00
۳۶##Ok, come in.‎#08.‎12.‎08-08.‎15.‎00
۳۷##Search them.‎#08.‎39.‎22-08.‎23.‎07
۳۸##What's in the sac?‎#09.‎08.‎23-09.‎11.‎13
۳۹##Wood and paper.‎#09.‎11.‎18-09.‎15.‎06
۴۰##Hide the dog.‎#09.‎32.‎23-09.‎37.‎01
۴۱##Take her and leave.‎#09.‎39.‎14-09.‎43.‎14
۴۲##Take the kids.‎#09.‎48.‎05-09.‎50.‎19
۴۳#If we didn't bring the dog here#the kids would have burned her to death.‎#10.‎16.‎02-10.‎25.‎00
۴۴#Death would've been better than#ending up in here.‎#10.‎32.‎15-10.‎38.‎10
۴۵##Throw some wood in the fire.‎#10.‎38.‎11-10.‎41.‎13
۴۶#Time to sleep.‎#Keep quiet.‎#11.‎23.‎01-11.‎27.‎23
۴۷##Did you go to Dad's prison today?‎#11.‎33.‎22-11.‎36.‎23
۴۹##Did Gol Ghotai tell him what I told her?‎#11.‎38.‎12-11.‎42.‎02
۵۰##She said it all wrong.‎#11.‎42.‎18-11.‎47.‎02
۵۱##Tell Dad exactly what I tell you.‎#11.‎48.‎08-11.‎53.‎07
۵۲##What will you tell Dad when you see him?‎#12.‎03.‎12-12.‎08.‎11
۵۳#I'll say:‎ "when you lived#with Mom, you beat her too much.‎#12.‎09.‎12-12.‎15.‎12
۵۴##That's why she didn't like you.‎#12.‎15.‎13-12.‎19.‎06
۵۵#And when you disappeared, Mom married#another man who didn't beat her as much.‎"#2.‎19.‎07-12.‎28.‎08
۵۶#No, don't say that, he'll never#forgive me and I'll be here forever.‎#12.‎28.‎09-12.‎35.‎17
۵۷#Your father was lost for 5 years#and we figured he was killed.‎#12.‎36.‎13-12.‎42.‎09
۵۸#right dear?‎#So tell Dad:‎#12.‎42.‎10-12.‎46.‎16
۵۹#"When you disappeared for 5 years#we thought you were killed.‎#12.‎46.‎17-12.‎51.‎16
۶۰##Mom couldn't afford to raise us, #12.‎51.‎17-12.‎54.‎17
۶۱#so she got married#because we were hungry.‎"#12.‎54.‎18-12.‎59.‎17
۶۲#If you say it like that#he will forgive me.‎#12.‎59.‎18-13.‎05.‎19
۶۳#Remember, for 5 years#we thought Dad had been killed?‎#13.‎05.‎20-13.‎12.‎23
۶۴#- Gol Ghotai.‎#- What?‎#13.‎19.‎23-13.‎21.‎01
۶۵#Don't tell Dad that he beat Mom too much.‎#Say her second husband beat her a lot.‎#13.‎23.‎21-13.‎31.‎01
۶۶##Imagine I am Dad so rehearse with me.‎#13.‎31.‎02-13.‎36.‎01
۶۷#You.‎.‎.didn't beat.‎.‎.Mom too much.‎#Her second husband beat her a lot.‎#13.‎37.‎17-13.‎47.‎16
۶۸#Forgive Mom.‎#Would you want her to die in prison?‎#13.‎48.‎00-13.‎56.‎19
۶۹#Dad loves you very much,#he will take your words.‎#14.‎01.‎12-14.‎06.‎04
۷۰##You must tell him what I told you, ok?‎#14.‎06.‎15-14.‎11.‎02
۷۲##Bedtime now, go to sleep.‎#14.‎19.‎02-14.‎22.‎23
۷۳#Feed your baby,#let the prisoners sleep.‎#15.‎03.‎15-15.‎08.‎14
۷۴##Baby is cold.‎#15.‎08.‎22-15.‎12.‎21
۷۵#- Have your mother take care of her.‎#- She can't.‎#15.‎13.‎07-15.‎18.‎06
۷۶#Time to sleep.‎#Keep quiet.‎#15.‎43.‎12-15.‎48.‎11
۷۷#Have her make a fire with this book.‎#Her baby is freezing.‎#16.‎06.‎23-16.‎12.‎12
۷۸#- Take this and burn it.‎#Thanks.‎#16.‎16.‎17-16.‎21.‎16
۷۹##Come out.‎#17.‎12.‎24-17.‎15.‎08
۸۰#Gol Ghotai, tell Dad what you rehearsed.‎#Tell him he is a prisoner.‎#17.‎30.‎07-17.‎37.‎01
۸۱#Would he want me in prison too?‎#Tell him he was lost for 5 years.‎#17.‎37.‎11-17.‎47.‎10
۸۲#How were we supposed to get by?‎#Tell him my second husband is now dead too.‎#17.‎47.‎11-17.‎53.‎23
۸۳#Tell him he didn't beat me too much.‎#Would he be happy to see me executed?‎#17.‎53.‎24-18.‎00.‎13
۸۴#Ok let me get executed.‎#Don't forgive me;‎ let me get executed.‎#18.‎03.‎19-18.‎09.‎20
۸۵#Let me die in prison.‎#Let me get executed.‎#18.‎11.‎05-18.‎17.‎14
۸۶##Why did you bring so few woods?‎#20.‎59.‎19-21.‎03.‎17
۸۷##Pay my sister for the woods.‎#21.‎46.‎08-21.‎50.‎02
۸۸#It's meat, eat it.‎#It smells like meat.‎#22.‎09.‎23-22.‎14.‎22
۸۹#Have some, it is meat.‎#22.‎19.‎21-22.‎24.‎20
۹۰#It smells like it.‎#22.‎32.‎00-22.‎36.‎24
۹۱#You are hungry.‎ It's meat.‎#22.‎37.‎15-22.‎42.‎14
۹۲#You are hungry eat some.‎#22.‎24.‎00-22.‎58.‎24
۹۳##Pay my sister for the woods.‎#23.‎10.‎23-23.‎14.‎04
۹۴#They put Dad in prison.‎#Wave your hand so they won't bust us.‎#24.‎18.‎14-24.‎25.‎10
۹۵#- Hello.‎#- Hello.‎#25.‎05.‎14-25.‎08.‎10
۹۶#- How much is this rosary?‎#- 10 Afghanis.‎#25.‎10.‎00-25.‎13.‎20
۹۷#- How much is that one?‎#- 5 Afghanis.‎#25.‎14.‎06-25.‎17.‎11
۹۸##How come this one is cheaper?‎ #25.‎17.‎12-25.‎21.‎08
۹۹#This one has fewer #spiritual rewards.‎ #25.‎21.‎09-25.‎25.‎18
۱۰۰#- Who do you want it for?‎#- My father.‎#25.‎26.‎19-25.‎29.‎18
۱۰۱#Is he used to having a rosary#or does he pray to God?‎#25.‎29.‎19-25.‎33.‎20
۱۰۲##He prays.‎#25.‎33.‎21-25.‎35.‎24
۱۰۳#- Does he pray a lot or little?‎#My father is a Talib;‎ he is in prison.‎#25.‎36.‎00-25.‎40.‎24
۱۰۴##He prays all the time#25.‎41.‎00-25.‎44.‎22
۱۰۵#If he prays a lot, take this one.‎#It brings many rewards.‎#25.‎46.‎03-25.‎52.‎03
۱۰۶## My father is a Talib.‎#25.‎53.‎15-25.‎56.‎24
۱۰۷#Then take this one.‎#It's got more spiritual rewards.‎#25.‎57.‎00-26.‎00.‎23
۱۰۸#- How much?‎#- 20 Afghanis.‎#26.‎00.‎24-26.‎03.‎16
۱۰۹#- It's too expensive.‎#- But it'll render more rewards.‎#26.‎03.‎17-26.‎07.‎20
۱۱۰#- ۵ Afghanis.‎#- No.‎#26.‎07.‎21-26.‎10.‎09
۱۱۱##This one is good.‎ I'll take it.‎ #26.‎11.‎04-26.‎15.‎07
۱۱۲##This one?‎#26.‎17.‎15-26.‎19.‎05
۱۱۳#Look how beautiful it is.‎#26.‎36.‎05-26.‎40.‎02
۱۱۴#I bought this for my father but#26.‎45.‎19-26.‎51.‎08
۱۱۵#I'll give it to you, Poppy.‎#26055014-27.‎00.‎14
۱۱۶#You look so pretty.‎#What will you tell Dad?‎#27.‎28.‎06-27.‎31.‎11
۱۱۷#I'll say:‎ ‪"you were lost for#5 years and Mom thought you were dead.‎"‬#27.‎34.‎15-27.‎43.‎18
۱۱۸#We had no one to take care of us.‎#So she remarried.‎#27.‎43.‎19-27.‎50.‎01
۱۱۹#That you are in prison and so is Mom.‎#What will we do if they kill her?‎"#27.‎50.‎18-28.‎03.‎21
۱۲۰##What will you tell Dad?‎#28.‎18.‎15-28.‎20.‎16
۱۲۱#I'll say:‎ ‪"you were lost for 5 years and Mom# thought you were killed so she remarried.‎"‬#28.‎21.‎04-28.‎29.‎19
۱۲۱(۲)#We had no one to take care of us so mom remarried#28.‎30.‎11-28.‎39.‎09
۱۲۲#You are a prisoner and so is Mom.‎#Will you get happy if they kill her?‎"#28.‎39.‎10-28.‎49.‎08
۱۲۳#So who'll take care of us?‎"#I'll ask him to forgive Mom for our sake.‎#28.‎50.‎14-28.‎58.‎15
۱۲۴#Mola mohammad Rahman's#kids come forward.‎#29.‎00.‎09-29.‎05.‎08
۱۲۵#Today is not women's turn.‎#Come back tomorrow.‎#29.‎11.‎18-29.‎16.‎06
۱۲۶#- So I can't visit my dad?‎#- No.‎#29.‎16.‎07-29.‎21.‎06
۱۲۷##I have to talk to my dad.‎#29.‎23.‎02-29.‎28.‎00
۱۲۹##Come in boy#29.‎32.‎03-29.‎34.‎18
۱۳۰##Zahed, did you tell Dad what Mom said?‎#29.‎46.‎14-29-51.‎12
۱۳۱#- Zahed, did you tell Dad what Mom said?‎#- Yes.‎#29.‎52.‎17-29.‎56.‎14
۱۳۲##Did he eympathize?‎#29.‎56.‎15-29.‎59.‎07
۱۳۳#He said:‎ "I went to war for God's sake but# your mom got married.‎ "#29.‎50.‎08-30.‎04.‎20
۱۳۴##Didn't she love him?‎#30.‎04.‎20-30.‎05.‎20
۱۳۵#She did but she married#because we were hungry.‎#30.‎07.‎20-30.‎12.‎19
۱۳۶##That man is dead now.‎#30.‎12.‎20-30.‎15.‎24
۱۳۷#Dad said:‎#"Good that the other man died.‎#30.‎16.‎00-30.‎18.‎23
۱۳۸#If Mom dies too they can make#love to each other in hell.‎"#30.‎19.‎24-30.‎23.‎04
۱۳۹#- What does hell mean?‎#- Hell is where angels burn sinful people.‎#30.‎23.‎05-30.‎31.‎09
۱۴۰##But if he loves us he should forgive Mom.‎#30.‎32.‎19-30.‎37.‎01
۱۴۱#Dad said that if we love Mom#we should go to the mosque and pray#30.‎37.‎18-30.‎43.‎10
۱۴۲##for her so God will forgive her.‎#30.‎43.‎11-30.‎46.‎17
۱۴۳#They won't let the poppy in.‎#Stay here.‎ I'll go pray.‎#30.‎53.‎10-30.‎58.‎09
۱۴۴#Do you understand me, Poppy?‎#My brother went to pray#31.‎30.‎11-31.‎39.‎13
۱۴۵#so God will spare Mom from hell.‎#31.‎39.‎14-31.‎44.‎13
۱۴۶#Do you know what hell means?‎#31.‎48.‎03-31.‎50.‎17
۱۴۷#Hell is a big abyss where angels#throw fire on sinful people.‎#31.‎55.‎16-32.‎05.‎14
۱۴۸##What do you know you poor poppy?‎#32.‎08.‎14-32.‎11.‎20
۱۴۹#Were you married twice too#that the kids wanted to burn you?‎!‎#32.‎12.‎04-32.‎18.‎09
۱۵۰##I saved you from hell, remember?‎#32.‎21.‎07-32.‎27.‎09
۱۵۱##Do you understand me?‎#32.‎30.‎14-32.‎33.‎17
۱۵۲##Pray Poppy, pray for my Mom.‎#32.‎35.‎01-32.‎39.‎24
۱۵۳#Oh God the merciful that forgives#great sins, I resort to you.‎#33.‎24.‎07-33.‎34.‎05
۱۵۴##Oh my God I resort to you.‎#33.‎38-10-33.‎43.‎09
۱۵۵#- We are night prisoners.‎#- What prisoners?‎!‎#34.‎33.‎05-34.‎36.‎13
۱۵۶##Night prisoners.‎#34.‎36.‎14-34.‎38.‎15
۱۵۷#- Who do you want to see?‎#- Guard Atef knows us.‎#34.‎38.‎16-34.‎43.‎15 
۱۵۸##Wait a moment.‎#34.‎44.‎08-34.‎48.‎05
۱۵۹#- Hello.‎#- Hello dear.‎#35.‎17.‎04-35.‎20.‎10
۱۶۰#Sorry but the warden won't allow you in.‎#If I let you in I'll be punished myself.‎#35.‎20.‎16-35.‎28.‎23 161##Please forgive me.‎#35.‎28.‎24-35.‎31.‎13
۱۶۲#But the warden is not here.‎#Let us spend the night with our mom.‎#35.‎35.‎00-35.‎41.‎16
۱۶۳#What are we supposed#to do if you don't let us in?‎#35.‎42.‎07-35.‎46.‎20
۱۶۴#Do you want us to sleep in the street?‎#Please let us stay with our mother tonight.‎#35.‎46.‎21-35.‎53.‎15
۱۶۵#I am sorry but the warden#has not permitted me.‎#35.‎54.‎19-36.‎00.‎08
۱۶۶#Good bye.‎#Take care of yourself.‎#36.‎01.‎14-36.‎04.‎20
۱۶۸##Why didn't you leave?‎#36.‎17.‎20-36.‎23.‎00
۱۶۹#Don't give me that baby#when her mother is in prison.‎#36.‎21.‎13-36.‎25.‎24
۱۷۰##How am I supposed to feed her milk?‎#36.‎26.‎00-36.‎29.‎05
۱۷۱##Take her away.‎ Get up, leave.‎#36.‎29.‎06-36.‎33.‎21
۱۷۲##What do I do with so many grandchildren?‎#36.‎34.‎07-36.‎39.‎03
۱۷۳#One of my sons was killed in one#place and the other elsewhere,#36.‎39.‎04-36.‎44.‎19
۱۷۴#and this baby's mother is in jail.‎#What do I do with so many of them?‎#36.‎44.‎20-36.‎49.‎19
۱۷۵#Zahed, I am scared so#is the poppy, barking.‎#36.‎59.‎14-36.‎06.‎21
۱۷۶#Cover your eyes #and you won't be afraid any more.‎#37.‎08.‎14-37.‎14.‎13
۱۷۷#- Zahed, I have to pee too.‎#- Go over there to pee.‎#37.‎59.‎10-37.‎05.‎24
۱۷۸#- I am afraid to go further.‎#- Should I stand further away?‎#38.‎06.‎05-38.‎11.‎03
۱۷۹##I'll still be afraid.‎#38.‎11.‎24-38.‎15.‎14
۱۸۰#Go there to pee.‎ I'll keep talking#to you so you won't get scared.‎#38.‎16.‎07-38.‎21.‎17
۱۸۱##Ok, hold the poppy.‎#38.‎21.‎18-38.‎26.‎00
۱۸۲##Gol Ghotai, poppy peed too.‎#38.‎53.‎13-38.‎58.‎12
۱۸۳##Give it to me.‎#39.‎12.‎19-39.‎16.‎04
۱۸۴#September the 11th incident#happened two years ago on this day.‎#41.‎23.‎24-41.‎30.‎22
۱۸۵#Are you outsmarting me?‎ If you#needed a place you should've knocked.‎#42.‎52.‎17-42.‎58.‎15
۱۸۶#We didn't know you were there.‎#Let go, I am choking.‎#42.‎59.‎15-43.‎03.‎18
۱۸۷#We didn't know this was your home.‎#We wanted to skip the cold.‎#43.‎03.‎19-43.‎09.‎10
۱۸۸##Let go of my brother.‎ Leave him alone.‎ #43.‎09.‎11-43.‎14.‎10
۱۸۹#I didn't know you were there.‎#Let go of my throat, I am choking.‎#43.‎17.‎20-43.‎23.‎08
۱۹۰#Will your shelter shrink if we#sleep in it for one night?‎#43.‎23.‎16-43.‎28.‎15
۱۹۱##Of course the space will.‎#43.‎29.‎05-43.‎29.‎17
۱۹۲##We had no idea you were there.‎#43.‎36.‎08-43.‎39.‎16
۱۹۳#- Ok, go in.‎#43.‎39.‎17-43.‎42.‎24
۱۹۴#- Can we go in?‎#43.‎45.‎02-43.‎49.‎00
۱۹۵#- Stick your head out boy#so we can talk man to man.‎#44.‎13.‎17-44.‎18.‎04
۱۹۶#- Who is the girl?‎#- She is my sister#44.‎18.‎19-44.‎22.‎22
۱۹۷#It's dangerous here.‎#Just last night they kidnapped a girl#44.‎22.‎23-44.‎28.‎10
۱۹۸#from the carts.‎#I don't want your sister around here.‎#44.‎28.‎11-44.‎33.‎00
۱۹۹#We slept in jail with our mother#every night but we were refused to go in tonight#44.‎33.‎01-44.‎37.‎09
۲۰۰##so we come here.‎#44.‎37.‎10-44.‎40.‎07
۲۰۱##I don't want to see your sister here.‎#44.‎40.‎08-44.‎43.‎11
۲۰۲#What are you afraid of?‎#We are not thieves.‎#44.‎50.‎16-44.‎55.‎15
۲۰۳#Quit nonsense.‎ Who's afraid?‎#I ditched prison myself.‎#44.‎58.‎05-45.‎03.‎03
۲۰۴##Why were you in jail?‎ #45.‎05.‎17-45.‎08.‎23
۲۰۵#My friend and I broke into #a video club and police caught us.‎#45.‎09.‎15-45.‎17.‎04
۲۰۶#-Is your friend in jail now?‎#- Yes.‎#45.‎17.‎17-45.‎20.‎12
۲۰۷##I wish we were there too.‎#45.‎20.‎13-45.‎23.‎00
۲۰۸#It's easy to get in jail.‎#Steal something and you'll end up in jail.‎#45.‎23.‎01-45.‎30.‎02
۲۰۹#I didn't work yesterday.‎#I'll pay you tomorrow, ok?‎#46.‎42.‎16-46.‎47.‎15
۲۱۰##I don't want to see your sister here.‎#46.‎51.‎13-46.‎56.‎01
۲۱۱#Stay back let me knock and beg.‎#May be they will let us in.‎#47.‎31.‎10-47.‎41.‎09
۲۱۲#- Why are you here again?‎#- We want to be with our mother.‎#47.‎59.‎11-48.‎05.‎02
۲۱۳#- What's your mother's name?‎#- Shabaneh.‎#48.‎05.‎23-48.‎08.‎23
۲۱۴##What's her crime?‎#48.‎09.‎05-48.‎12.‎02
۲۱۵#My father was lost for 5 years and#she thought he was dead so she remarried.‎#48.‎24.‎21-48.‎33.‎00
۲۱۶##My father had her jailed.‎#48.‎33.‎01-48.‎36.‎05
۲۱۷##She is a whore.‎#48.‎37.‎13-48.‎40.‎11
۲۱۸#Bastard, your own mother is a whore.‎#You are a whore.‎#48.‎49.‎20-48.‎54.‎19
۲۱۹##Mother fucking bastard#48.‎56.‎15-49.‎00.‎10
۲۲۰##Damn it!‎ Your own mother is a whore.‎#49.‎00.‎11-49.‎04.‎23
۲۲۱##Come in you bastard.‎#49.‎04.‎24-49.‎09.‎10
۲۲۲#Come Gol Ghotai.‎ Your own mother is a whore.‎# Gol Ghoti, run he'll beat us.‎#49.‎11.‎15-49.‎21.‎14
۲۲۳#Bastard, damn your father!‎ Stop!‎#I'll kill you if I catch you.‎#49.‎26.‎00-49.‎30.‎24
۲۲۴#Don't hit my brother, Sir.‎#Please don't hit him.‎#49.‎39.‎15-49.‎49.‎14
۲۲۵#Hey girl,#what happened to your grandmother?‎#50.‎49.‎08-50.‎54.‎07
۲۲۶#Hey girl,#what happened to your grandmother?‎#51.‎00.‎02-51.‎04.‎20
۲۲۷##It was very cold last night.‎#51.‎04.‎21-51.‎09.‎04
۲۲۸##Gol Ghotai, come on.‎#52.‎59.‎23-53.‎02.‎14
۲۲۹##I'll go watch TV.‎#53.‎06.‎24-53.‎10.‎23
۲۳۰#When he comes out of the car#I won't run so he'll bust us.‎#53.‎10.‎24-53.‎19.‎15
۲۳۱##I am afraid he'll beat us if he catches us.‎#53.‎19.‎22-53.‎27.‎16
۲۳۲##Stay here.‎#53.‎28.‎18-53.‎31.‎04
۲۳۳#I'll go and when he# takes me to prison, come along and weep.‎#53.‎31.‎05-53.‎36.‎14
۲۳۴#Tell him you are my sister so#he takes you with me too.‎#53.‎36.‎15-53.‎40.‎04
۲۳۵##Come on, no one is here.‎#54.‎16.‎03-54.‎19.‎11
۲۳۶#He's caged the TV#so nobody steals it.‎ He'll put us behind bars too.‎#54.‎16.‎19-55.‎22.‎03
۲۳۷#Bastards, I went to pee and you#took over my house.‎#55.‎43.‎11-55.‎49.‎12
۲۳۸#Bastards, I went to pee and you#took over my house.‎#55.‎56.‎09-56.‎01.‎08
۲۳۹#If I go north to piss, America#will occupy the south.‎#56.‎02.‎02-56.‎07.‎01
۲۴۰#If I go south, Russia#will take over the north.‎#56.‎07.‎17-56.‎12.‎16
۲۴۱#You don't give me chance to#live as long as taking a shit.‎#56.‎12.‎17-56.‎18.‎16
۲۴۲#Come down if you have to piss.‎#The john is here.‎#56.‎21.‎08-56.‎26.‎07
۲۴۳#I've prepared the ewer for you.‎#You threw bombs and killed my wife and daughter.‎#56.‎26.‎08-56.‎31.‎24
۲۴۴#Come and piss on my head#you mother fucking plane!‎#56.‎32.‎00-56.‎36.‎09
۲۴۵#Mother fucking plane, come down#if you want to piss.‎#56.‎38.‎07-56.‎42.‎02
۲۴۶#Toilet is here.‎#I'll wash your ass with water.‎#56.‎42.‎03-56.‎47.‎02
۲۴۷#Have us busted.‎#We sneaked to watch your TV.‎#56.‎49.‎06-56.‎54.‎05
۲۴۸##It was very cold last night.‎#56.‎54.‎06-56.‎57.‎09
۲۴۹#Come down if you have to piss.‎#Here is the airport.‎ I'll wash your shitty ass.‎#56.‎57.‎10-57.‎04.‎00
۲۵۰#Zahed, let's go#he won't put us in jail.‎#57.‎17.‎07-57.‎30.‎14
۲۵۱#Do you understand me, Poppy?‎#I am talking to you.‎#57.‎53.‎14-57.‎59.‎07
۲۵۲#I'll tell Dad to forgive Mom.‎#If he doesn't forgive her they will kill her.‎#57.‎59.‎17-58.‎08.‎07
۲۵۳#I'll cry so much.‎.‎.‎#and repent, repent.‎#58.‎59.‎02-58.‎14.‎01
۲۵۴#Mola Rahman's daughter,#come forward.‎#58.‎22.‎14-58.‎26.‎02
۲۵۵##Dogs are not allowed in the prison.‎#58.‎32.‎22-58.‎35.‎20
۲۵۶#- What about me?‎#- Go in.‎ #58.‎36.‎04-58.‎39.‎07
۲۵۷#Thanks.‎#Zahed take the dog, she can't go in.‎#58.‎39.‎12-58.‎47.‎05
۲۵۸#- Thanks.‎#- Tell Dad what you have to say.‎#58.‎53.‎19-59.‎00.‎11
۲۵۹#Gol Ghotai, why are you crying?‎#Did you ask Dad to forgive Mom?‎#59.‎05.‎15-59.‎13.‎21
۲۶۰##Why are you crying now?‎#59.‎13.‎22-59.‎16.‎19
۲۶۱#Did you tell him we slept#in the street last night?‎#59.‎17.‎08-59.‎21.‎17
۲۶۲#- Yes.‎#- What did he say?‎#59.‎23.‎15-59.‎26.‎22
۲۶۳#He said:‎ "Don't sleep in the street.‎#go to my friend's house and#59.‎26.‎23-59.‎31.‎22
۲۶۴#if he is not there, tell his wife that I am# in prison.‎ She will keep you.‎" #59.‎31.‎23-59.‎40.‎19
۲۶۵#- Is it here?‎#- No.‎#01.‎00.‎00.‎06-01.‎00.‎02.‎08
۲۶۶#- Here?‎#- No.‎.‎.yes.‎#01.‎00.‎02.‎09-01.‎00.‎05.‎24
۲۶۷#- Who is it?‎#- Us.‎#01.‎00.‎13.‎20-01.‎00.‎16.‎21
۲۶۸#- Who is us?‎#- Zahed and Gol Ghotai?‎#01.‎18.‎00.‎01-01.‎00.‎21.‎24
۲۶۹#- Who did you want to see?‎#- Mola mohammad razagh#01.‎00.‎23.‎18-01.‎00.‎28.‎17
۲۷۰##We have no such person.‎#01.‎00.‎30.‎16-01.‎00.‎33.‎08
۲۷۱#What do you mean?‎#Open the door.‎#01.‎00.‎33.‎09-01.‎00.‎37.‎07
۲۷۲#-Who are you?‎#- Zahed and Gol Ghotai,#01.‎00.‎38.‎10-01.‎00.‎42.‎09
۲۷۳#Mola mohammad Rahman's chidren.‎#01.‎00.‎45.‎03-01.‎00.‎48.‎05
۲۷۴#Our father sent us here.‎ Open up for a second.‎#01.‎00.‎49.‎16-01.‎00.‎54.‎15
۲۷۵#- Hello.‎#- Hello.‎#01.‎00.‎57.‎05-01.‎01.‎02.‎04
۲۷۶##Come in.‎#01.‎01.‎09.‎24-01.‎01.‎12.‎00
۲۷۷#He wants to see Mola Razagh.‎#What do I tell him?‎#01.‎01.‎30.‎05-01.‎01.‎35.‎04
۲۷۸##Where is his brother?‎#01.‎01.‎40.‎09-01.‎01.‎42.‎14
۲۷۹##He is asking where his brother is.‎#01.‎01.‎42.‎15-01.‎01.‎46.‎22
۲۸۰##He is in an American prison.‎#01.‎01.‎47.‎22-01.‎01.‎51.‎14
۲۸۱#- Where is his wife?‎#- She is dead.‎#01.‎01.‎53.‎00-01.‎01.‎56.‎13
۲۸۲##Can we stay here?‎#01.‎02.‎10.‎05-01.‎02.‎13.‎02
۲۸۳## Thanks.‎#01.‎02.‎24.‎21-01.‎02.‎26.‎22
۲۸۴##They took Dad to Guantanamo Bay.‎#01.‎02.‎53.‎10-01.‎02.‎59.‎17
۲۸۵##Who is it?‎#01.‎03.‎10.‎09-01.‎03.‎12.‎11
۲۸۶#It's us.‎#We want you to forgive us.‎#01.‎03.‎15.‎15-01.‎03.‎19.‎03
۲۸۶(۲)#Who is it?‎301.‎03.‎19.‎04-01.‎03.‎20.‎22
۲۸۷##We are here to be pardoned, dear Guard.‎#01.‎03.‎20.‎23-01.‎03.‎24.‎23
۲۸۸##What are you here for, you jack ass?‎#01.‎03.‎29.‎22-01.‎03.‎32.‎21
۲۸۹#For God's sake please let us#stay with our mother.‎#01.‎03.‎35.‎15-01.‎03.‎40.‎14
۲۹۰#But yesterday you said #my mother was a whore.‎#01.‎03.‎44.‎15-01.‎03.‎49.‎14
۲۹۱#Forgive me but you #said the same about my mother.‎#01.‎03.‎49.‎15-01.‎03.‎57.‎00
۲۹۲#But my mother is not a whore but#yours is a 100% whore.‎#01.‎03.‎58.‎22-01.‎04.‎03.‎16
۲۹۳#Bastard, your own mother is a whore.‎#Damn your father!‎#01.‎04.‎03.‎17-01.‎04.‎08.‎13
۲۹۴#I'll kill you fucking bastard.‎#If you want to be in prison go steal something.‎#01.‎04.‎11.‎19-01.‎04.‎18.‎17
۲۹۵#If you have no mercy#on me please have some on this dog.‎#01.‎04.‎19.‎09-01.‎04.‎25.‎19
۲۹۶#Do you wish to be a dog#to be burned by the kids but#01.‎04.‎26.‎10-01.‎04.‎36.‎12
۲۹۷#the prison guard refuses to let you in?‎#Would you want that?‎#01.‎04.‎36.‎13-01.‎04.‎45.‎16
۲۹۸#Stop making my heart ache, girl.‎#Do you wish to be a guard#01.‎04.‎46.‎19-01.‎04.‎52.‎14
۲۹۹#with one dollar a day pay and#no permission to let two kids in the prison?‎#01.‎04.‎52.‎15-01.‎04.‎58.‎08
۳۰۰#Do you wish to be so#homeless like us and this dog and #01.‎05.‎00.‎23-01.‎05.‎10.‎22
۳۰۱#no one anywhere takes you in?‎#Do you want that?‎#01.‎05.‎12.‎03-01.‎05.‎22.‎02
۳۰۲#But laws have changed dear.‎#The warden doesn't allow that and #01.‎05.‎26.‎08-01.‎05.‎32.‎08
۳۰۳#prison is not an orphanage either.‎#this is a prison here, get it?‎#01.‎05.‎32.‎09-01.‎05.‎39.‎19
۳۰۴##I got it.‎#01.‎05.‎46.‎24-01.‎05.‎49.‎20
۳۰۵# Gol Ghotai, let's go,#his mom is a whore.‎#01.‎05.‎53.‎13-01.‎05.‎57.‎20
۳۰۶##If you want to be in prison steal something.‎#01.‎05.‎57.‎21-01.‎06.‎02.‎03
۳۰۷## Gol Ghotai, let's go.‎#01.‎06.‎02.‎18-01.‎06.‎05.‎17
۳۰۸#If you want to be busted#you have to steal, bastard.‎#01.‎06.‎05.‎18-01.‎06.‎10.‎04
۳۰۹##That woman is good.‎#01.‎06.‎58.‎12-01.‎07.‎02.‎07
۳۱۰# Zahed, don't run away #let her catch us.‎ #01.‎08.‎10.‎13-01.‎08.‎18.‎02
۳۱۱##Don't run away, let her send us to jail.‎#01.‎08.‎23.‎17-01.‎08.‎28.‎16
۳۱۲#Aren't you ashamed of stealing?‎# Go beg if you are hungry.‎#01.‎08.‎33.‎21-01.‎08.‎43.‎20
۳۱۳#I begged for this bread for my own#starved children.‎ Don't you fear God?‎#01.‎08.‎47.‎19-01.‎08.‎53.‎12
۳۱۴#If you have him arrested,#have me too cause I was with him.‎#01.‎08.‎58.‎01-01.‎09.‎03.‎00
۳۱۵#Please have us put behind bars.‎#We are not beggars.‎ We are thieves.‎#01.‎09.‎25.‎02-01.‎09.‎30.‎02
۳۱۶#We stole your bread.‎#We are such thieves that we should repent.‎#01.‎09.‎34.‎11-01.‎09.‎40.‎16
۳۱۷#Why don't you get it?‎ What kind of people#are you that don't have us arrested?‎#01.‎09.‎42.‎09-01.‎09.‎52.‎08
۳۱۸#We've done so much stealing#but you don't have us busted.‎#01.‎09.‎52.‎09-01.‎09.‎58.‎20
۳۱۹#Eat, Poppy.‎ You don't eat meat#or bread.‎ What do you eat then?‎#01.‎11.‎46.‎01-01.‎11.‎51.‎18
۳۲۰##You'll die.‎ Do you want to die?‎#01.‎11.‎51.‎19-01.‎11.‎56.‎18
۳۲۱#Eat something, Poppy.‎#The dogs will eat it.‎#01.‎11.‎58.‎12-01.‎12.‎03.‎10
۳۲۲#You'll die if you don't eat.‎ Eat.‎#You don't eat bread or meat.‎#01.‎12.‎03.‎21-01.‎12.‎10.‎17
۳۲۳#What do you eat then?‎#Do you want to die?‎ Eat darling.‎#01.‎12.‎11.‎06-01.‎12.‎16.‎04
۳۲۴#Other dogs will eat the meat.‎#They're coming.‎ Hurry, eat.‎#01.‎12.‎19.‎17-01.‎12.‎26.‎18
۳۲۵#You'll starve to death.‎#Why don't you eat anything?‎#01.‎12.‎28.‎05-01.‎12.‎34.‎12
۳۲۶##We stole meat for your sake.‎#01.‎12.‎34.‎13-01.‎12.‎37.‎19
۳۲۷##Zahed, let's run we are under attack.‎#01.‎13.‎10.‎15-01.‎13.‎14.‎05
۳۲۸##Get in line.‎#01.‎13.‎36.‎16-01.‎13.‎40.‎10
۳۲۹##Quiet!‎ Quiet!‎#01.‎02.‎06.‎16-01.‎02.‎09.‎05
۳۳۰#They ate our cow head#but we didn't go to jail.‎#01.‎02.‎26.‎19-01.‎02.‎31.‎17
۳۳۱#Other dogs ate the cow#head and didn't pay for it.‎#01.‎02.‎47.‎13-01.‎02.‎52.‎01
۳۳۲##I'll go fight for our right.‎ Stay here.‎#01.‎02.‎52.‎02-01.‎02.‎56.‎15
۳۳۳#Your dogs ate our cow head.‎#Pay us for the head.‎#01.‎03.‎4901-01.‎03.‎54.‎00
۳۳۴##Fuck you!‎#01.‎03.‎56.‎24-01.‎04.‎00.‎00
۳۳۵#Zahed, come on the dogs will eat you.‎#Come they'll eat you.‎#01.‎04.‎04.‎03-01.‎04.‎02.‎09
۳۳۶##Get lost you naughty kid.‎#01.‎19.‎08.‎18-01.‎19.‎11.‎14
۳۳۷#Hitting me?‎ Bastard!‎#Mother fucker.‎ Come on Gol Ghotai.‎#01.‎19.‎17.‎07-01.‎19.‎22.‎06
۳۳۸#Damn your father, motherfucker, hitting me?‎#Do you want me to mess up your stuff?‎#01.‎19.‎22.‎07-01.‎19.‎29.‎01
۳۳۹#Give these woods to my mother.‎#Her cell is cold.‎ Bring back the sac.‎#01.‎21.‎15.‎20-01.‎21.‎24.‎12
۳۴۰#- Hello.‎#- Hello.‎#01.‎22.‎01.‎24-01.‎22.‎04.‎08
۳۴۱##We stole but nobody sent us to prison.‎#01.‎22.‎04.‎09-01.‎22.‎07.‎19
۳۴۲##Never mind just keep stealing.‎#01.‎22.‎07.‎20-01.‎22.‎10.‎21
۳۴۳#We stole a cow head for our dog.‎#We stole bread.‎#01.‎22.‎10.‎22-01.‎22.‎15.‎07
۳۴۴#They beat us but didn't send us to jail.‎#We stole so much that we should repent.‎#01.‎22.‎15.‎08-01.‎22.‎20.‎07
۳۴۵##Go to the park cinema.‎#01.‎22.‎20.‎08-01.‎22.‎23.‎00
۳۴۶#There's a movie about a clumsy thief#who gets caught.‎ Go learn from that film.‎#01.‎22.‎23.‎01-01.‎22.‎28.‎21
۳۴۷#- Good bye.‎#- Good bye.‎#01.‎22.‎28.‎22-01.‎22.‎32.‎17
۳۴۸## I don't want to see your sister again.‎#01.‎22.‎34.‎10-01.‎22.‎39.‎08
۳۴۹##We want to see a movie, Sir.‎#01.‎22.‎54.‎09-01.‎22.‎56.‎18
۳۵۰#This is an artistic film.‎#You wouldn't like it.‎ If you leave #01.‎22.‎56.‎19-01.‎23.‎01.‎03
۳۵۱#in the middle,#I won't refund your money.‎#01.‎23.‎01.‎04-01.‎23.‎06.‎06
۳۵۲# We won't leave, Sir.‎#Just tell us about the story.‎#01.‎23.‎06.‎08-01.‎23.‎11.‎18
۳۵۳# It's about stealing but there's#no action in it.‎ It's boring.‎#01.‎23.‎11.‎19-01.‎23.‎17.‎01
۳۵۴#If you want to see a good movie,#go where my brother is the ticket seller.‎#01.‎23.‎17.‎02-01.‎23.‎25.‎07
۳۵۵#Every night after this damned movie #I go there and watch a Hollywood film#01.‎23.‎27.‎14-01.‎23.‎33.‎08
۳۵۶##to get a good night's rest.‎#01.‎23.‎33.‎09-01.‎23.‎35.‎24
۳۵۷## But we want to see this film.‎#01.‎23.‎36.‎00-01.‎23.‎39.‎00
۳۵۸# This little poppy doesn't need a ticket.‎#Dogs are free to watch artistic films.‎#01.‎23.‎39.‎09-01.‎23.‎49.‎08
۳۵۹# One person handles everything# in a cinema with few audience.‎#01.‎24.‎08.‎17-01.‎24.‎14.‎16
۳۶۰## Watch the movie, Poppy.‎ #01.‎25.‎08.‎10-01.‎25.‎11.‎10
۳۶۱#Don't bark Poppy.‎#They'll throw us out of here.‎#01.‎25.‎39.‎22-01.‎25.‎44.‎19
۳۶۲# Thief, thief, bicycle thief.‎# Thief, thief, bicycle thief.‎#01.‎27.‎29.‎15-01.‎27.‎34.‎14
۳۶۳# Thief, thief, bicycle thief.‎# Thief, thief, bicycle thief.‎#01.‎27.‎37.‎20-01.‎27.‎42.‎18
۳۶۴## Did he steal something?‎#01.‎28.‎01.‎06-01.‎28.‎05.‎16
۳۶۵#Break up!‎.‎# He stole a bicycle?‎#01.‎28.‎11.‎17-01.‎28.‎16.‎16
۳۶۶# She is my sister, Sir.‎#Come, Gol Ghotai.‎#01.‎28.‎31.‎06-01.‎28.‎36.‎05
۳۶۷## I am a thief too.‎ Put me in jail too.‎#01.‎28.‎40.‎14-01.‎28.‎45.‎13
۳۶۸#But this is not my mother's prison.‎#I want to go to my mother's prison.‎#01.‎29.‎38.‎05-01.‎29.‎44.‎12
۳۶۹#Bastard, my sister will get lost in the streets.‎#01.‎29.‎53.‎15-01.‎29.‎58.‎07
۳۷۰#Mother fucker, put me in my mother's prison.‎#01.‎29.‎58.‎08-01.‎30.‎03.‎07
۳۷۱##For God's sake.‎#01.‎30.‎04.‎10-01.‎30.‎07.‎16
۳۷۲#- Who is it?‎#- It's me.‎#01.‎31.‎51.‎02-01.‎31.‎54.‎15
۳۷۳## Who are you?‎#01.‎31.‎54.‎16-01.‎31.‎56.‎19
۳۷۴## The bicycle thief's sister.‎#01.‎31.‎56.‎20-01.‎32.‎59.‎20