Test Of Democracy Dialogue List ‪(English)‬

Create:‎ چهارشنبه ۱۳۹۲/۶/۲۷ - ۱۸:۴۰
Author:‎ MFH


This film is dedicated
to all who oppose it
The Test of Democracy
by Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Take this.‎ 
Hana, Take this from me.‎ 
- Take these clothes off, sir.‎ 
- No sir.‎ No way!‎ 
- Take these clothes off, sir.‎ 
- Let me take care of it, sir.‎ 
- Come on now, take them off.‎ 
- No!‎ 
Just take them off and get it over with.‎.‎.‎ 
- Come on now, take them off.‎ 
- No.‎ 
- Mr.‎ Mohsen, he won't take them off!‎ 
- Come on, take them off now!‎ 
Give that to me.‎ Come on, hand it over.‎ 
Ok, wrap it around your waist like this.‎ 
Wrap it around your waist.‎ 
There, like that!‎ 
Please, take it off!‎ 
Come on, do it for me!‎ 
Here, take it from him.‎ 
Come on now, take them off.‎ 
Come on, take this.‎ 
Come on, do this for me!‎ 
Just stand behind the door, where
no one can see you.‎ Stand right there.‎ 
Come over here.‎ 
Stand right here, no one will see you.‎ 
It's a door, no one can see
behind it.‎ Ma'am, don't look!‎ 
- Isn't anyone looking?‎ 
- No one's looking.‎ 
Wrap this around your waist.‎ 
- Wear this loincloth.‎ 
- Take it off fast.‎ Fast, fast!‎ 
Move it, we're losing the light.‎ 
There you are!‎ Good job!‎ 
It doesn't look good.‎ White clothes
are awful, they reflect too much light!‎ 
I've been trying to get you to take
these clothes off for 10 days now!‎ 
What's with you and these.‎.‎.‎ 
Take your watch off!‎ 
- No.‎.‎.‎ 
- You can't have a watch on.‎.‎.‎ 
You're supposed to be in
the middle of nowhere!‎ Give it to me.‎ 
Take the watch.‎ There!‎ 
Now come here.‎ Come here.‎ 
Take these away.‎ 
Come on, here.‎ Here.‎ 
Ok, now.‎ Put the door on your back
and walk.‎ Put it on your back!‎ 
- Let him put it on himself.‎ 
- Ok.‎ Now listen.‎.‎.‎ 
Put it on your back and move this way.‎ 
The door, put it on your back.‎ 
- No, no!‎ 
- Come on!‎ 
This is really not that hard!‎ 
Look, it's light as a feather.‎ 
Look at me, sir.‎ Sir?‎ 
- Sir?‎ Sir?‎ 
- Sir, please look this way.‎ 
Mr.‎ Mohsen.‎.‎.‎ 
Put it on your back for a minute.‎ 
Just for one lousy minute!‎ 
Sir, listen.‎ Look here.‎ 
Look at me.‎ Just look at me!‎ 
Sir?‎ Here!‎ Look at me!‎ 
- Look at him, look!‎ 
- Look at me for one second!‎ 
Do you want us to pick it up, one by
one?‎ Do you want all of us to do it?‎ 
Ok, look.‎ No, just look.‎ 
He just won't do it!‎ 
Ok, come close.‎ 
Come on, let's discuss this!‎ 
Look, man.‎ See?‎ It's really easy, look.‎.‎.‎ 
Just forget about it!‎ 
- Let's take a break.‎ 
- My back hurt.‎ I can't sleep at nights.‎.‎.‎ 
Turn it off.‎ 
Yes, turn it off.‎ 
- My back would hurt.‎.‎.‎ 
- This poor guy's back would hurt too!‎ 
This guy thinks he's
Burt Lancaster or something!‎ 
- My back hurts.‎ 
- It's just for one minute.‎ 
Sit down right here.‎ 
- Sir?‎ 
- Yes?‎ 
- Bring fruit juice for the guys.‎ 
- Go on, go get the fruit juice, fast!‎ 
- Hi.‎ 
- Hi.‎ How are you doing?‎ 
What a pleasant surprise!‎ 
- Come on.‎ Come.‎ 
- Have everything ready, I'll be back!‎ 
- What are you doing, Shahab?‎ 
- Nothing really.‎ I'm here .‎.‎.‎ 
- ...to see what you're doing here!‎ 
- I'm not doing much.‎ 
- If it's really like that, why.‎.‎.‎ 
- If we go this way, we'd get.‎.‎.‎ 
Why did you insist that
I'd come here to make a film?‎ 
You said you bought a video camera, 
and I said I'm happy for you because.‎.‎.‎ 
The films you make
with it would be great.‎ 
But unlike 35mm films, 
video productions have no class.‎ 
It's no longer a question of style.‎ This
is the camera of the information age.‎ 
Just like a writer.‎.‎.‎ 
there is his mind, and there is his pen.‎ 
He takes the pen and writes, 
and so creates his work of art.‎ 
But the filmmaker writes, then asks for
a permit, and they don't give it to him!‎ 
Even if he gets a permit, he
won't have access to the necessities.‎.‎.‎ 
After a year, from 100 great ideas, one
might be able to make a film out of it.‎.‎.‎ 
...they won't let it go to the screen, and
even if they do let him screen his film.‎.‎.‎ 
...it will go through so much
censorship that nothing will be left.‎ 
In fact, as long as you need
investors and government subsidies.‎.‎.‎ 
As long as films are censored, 
I don't know, it's really just an industry.‎.‎.‎ 
For the innovative art of cinema
they talk about so much.‎.‎.‎ 
...all you need is a digital camera.‎ 
This cheap camera right here!‎ 
This camera functions as the pen.‎ 
The less significant the tools become, 
a greater role the artist plays.‎ 
Instead of forming a large crew.‎.‎.‎ 
Anyone who has something new to say, 
can use it just like a writer uses a pen.‎.‎.‎ 
For discussing everyday issues and.‎.‎.‎ 
No, even for serious stuff.‎ For example, 
what Marquez does with his pen.‎.‎.‎ 
Writing is a different story.‎ The
whole technique is in the head and.‎.‎.‎ 
- Shahab, is this recording?‎ 
- No, of course it's not recording.‎ 
- It is!‎ The light is red.‎ 
- So?‎ A lot of things are red!‎ 
- I'll turn it off if you like.‎ 
- No, do whatever you feel like.‎ 
But it really is like a pen.‎ See, 
you can use it to write on the ground!‎ 
...ty.‎ #00:‎08:‎39.‎12,00:‎08:‎41.‎18
On the sea.‎.‎.‎ 
Mr.‎ Mohsen?‎ There we are.‎ 
Wait a second, wait!‎ 
- Where are you going?‎ 
- Wait a second!‎ 
Wait one second!‎ 
When are you coming back?‎ 
- Shahab?‎ 
- Yes?‎ 
How about making a film about
this crowd?‎ It's not a bad topic.‎ 
I'd love to make a film about who will
represent these people in parliament.‎ 
About the election.‎ 
What do you think?‎ 
It's not a bad idea.‎ What about
the set decorations and equipment?‎ 
I don't need anything.‎ 
You'd need some things.‎ 
A chair, a megaphone, a ballet box.‎ 
Well, how about
using their speaker system?‎ 
Call the waiter and ask if we can borrow
their speaker system for a day.‎ 
You think he's going to do it?‎ 
What did you say, Shahab?‎ 
It got so loud in here.‎.‎.‎ 
Do you think he'd do it?‎ 
I think he won't do it.‎ 
Would you bet on that?‎ I think he'll do it.‎ 
I'm here to give you the bare facts.‎ 
The truth is, being birds, 
you don't fly too well.‎ 
I don't want to lead you
a merry dance, but please:‎ fly!‎ 
I lead you not to
the merry dance of blue smoke
I lead you not to
a plush rainbow, to petty dreams
Anyone who ever came here, lied to
you, hoping to get one extra act to play.‎ 
They've told you how well you fly, 
but I'm here to play this one act, and go.‎ 
So, won't you mind if I tell you the truth?‎ 
You fly no better than a chicken!‎ Think
otherwise?‎ Please fly and let us see!‎ 
Shall one live so pure and moral
How impure and immoral would I be, 
were I not to leave a token of my faith.‎.‎.‎ 
A token immortal, like noble mountains, 
unlike the unlasting soil
Regrettably, some
are leaving the house.‎ 
Please don't let that
keep you from flying.‎ 
Fly higher this time, if you would.‎ Make
a new record in the history of flight.‎ 
Let's not let the history of flight
repeat itself once again.‎ 
Shall one live so low and ignoble
How flagrant would I be, were I not
to hang my lantern of life in shame.‎.‎.‎ 
...on the height of a dead dry
pine tree in the dead-end alley.‎ 
Mohsen?‎ What are you doing?‎ 
What are you talking about?‎ 
- Can you hear me?‎ 
- What are you talking about?‎ 
- I'm testing the sound.‎ 
- Say one phrase that makes sense.‎ 
One, two, three.‎ 
Testing the freedom in this term.‎ 
- Hello sir.‎ How are you?‎ 
- Hi.‎ I'm fine, thank you.‎ 
- Where did you get these chairs from?‎ 
- We bought them from the Bazaar.‎ 
- Where?‎ 
- The Bazaar.‎ 
- What was the price?‎ 
- Twenty Tomans.‎ 
- Were there any left?‎ 
- Go take a look around.‎ Maybe.‎ 
- Are the chairs for sale?‎ 
- They belonged to important people.‎ 
- Hi.‎ How are you?‎ How is it going?‎ 
- Hello.‎ I'm fine, thank you.‎ 
- Would you sell us your chair?‎ 
- No.‎ 
- Why?‎ 
- Because important people sat here.‎ 
And the seats you see here, 
I'm just here to guard them.‎ 
- You're guarding them?‎ 
- Yes, I'm here to guard them.‎ 
I don't sit on those chairs, 
I just sit here and guard them.‎ 
- So, why have you chained them?‎ 
- So no one takes them.‎ 
I might go to the bathroom
for a few minutes, or take a break.‎ 
With the chains, I don't have to worry
when I go away for a few minutes.‎ 
Sell this chair to us, 
and go sit over there.‎ Ok?‎ 
- No, no.‎ No.‎ 
- I'll give you money.‎ Money!‎ 
- These belonged to important people.‎ 
- I'll give you money for it.‎ 
No, I won't sell it.‎ 
Not even if you give money for it.‎ 
- How much do you want?‎ 
- No, I'm not selling it.‎ 
- I'll give you 10,000 Tomans.‎ 10,000!‎ 
- No, I'm not selling it.‎ 
- ۱۱,۰۰۰ Tomans
- No, No!‎ 
- ۱۱,۲۰۰ Tomans
- No.‎ I'm not selling it.‎ 
Look!‎ One, two, three.‎.‎.‎ 
- Say that you'd sell it.‎ 
- I won't sell it.‎ 
Four, five, six.‎.‎.‎ There you go!‎ 
Seven, eight, nine, 
and ten.‎ That's it.‎ Here!‎ 
- That's enough.‎ There you are.‎ 
- No.‎ I can't.‎ 
Where is the key?‎ Go sit over there.‎ 
The important people aren't here, now.‎ 
Where is the key?‎ 
Ok, here is another thousand.‎ 
- No, I'm not selling!‎ No!‎ 
- That's enough.‎ Go on, now.‎ 
I'm not selling it.‎ 
These belong to important people.‎.‎.‎ 
It's ok, sit down.‎ 
The important people aren't here, now.‎ 
Ok, come on.‎ Come on, 
get up.‎ I'll help you get up.‎ 
Where is the key?‎ 
Watch out!‎ Where's the key?‎ 
- Where is the key?‎ 
- The key?‎ It's not with me.‎ 
- You don't have the key?‎ 
- No, I don't.‎ 
Shahab?‎ Come here, 
it's open.‎ The lock doesn't work.‎ 
- Bye.‎ 
- I don't have the key!‎ 
- Hey, Mohsen?‎ 
- What?‎ 
I'm tired.‎ My back hurts.‎ When
will you take this door off my back?‎ 
I'll be back after the election.‎ 
After the election.‎.‎.‎ 
Hello, fellow brothers.‎ 
Hello, dear friends.‎ 
- Try saying ‪"sir"‬!‎
- Sir?‎ Sir?‎ 
Sir?‎ Hello?‎ 
Do you have any empty chairs?‎ 
Does anyone have any empty chairs?‎ 
Any chairs for sale?‎ 
Hey?‎ Man?‎ Sir?‎ 
At least, answer!‎ 
Are you going to Tehran?‎ 
I'm here for that mason.‎ 
What do you have?‎ 
We have a speaker system, 
and a few chairs.‎ 
- I don't know, ask the mason.‎ 
- It's ok, I don't mind.‎ 
- I'll take them, if it's ok with him.‎ 
- Come on, get them fast.‎ 
- Come give us a hand, here.‎ 
- Ok, sure.‎ 
Shahab, you'd make a good porter!‎ 
Couldn't you have used
another boat for your stucco?‎ 
- No!‎ 
- Move it.‎ Faster!‎ 
Mohsen, put that down for a second.‎ 
Come here and keep filming, 
I'll take the rest of the stucco.‎ 
Here, take them.‎ Come on, we're late.‎ 
Mohsen, you'd make a good porter!‎ 
Come on.‎ Move it, faster!‎ 
It looks like these cameras
don't make things all that much easier!‎ 
The filming is the same, it's what goes
on behind the scenes that's different.‎ 
- There you go.‎ 
- I got it.‎ 
Shahab, I'm getting tired.‎ Come help.‎ 
- Someone has to hold the camera.‎ 
- Put it on the speaker.‎ 
Put it on the speaker and help move
this stuff.‎ Don't waste so much time.‎ 
Wait a second!‎ 
- Hand it over.‎ 
- Here you are.‎ 
This one is broken.‎ 
Forget about it, give me another one.‎ 
Forget about him.‎ Hurry up!‎ 
Mohsen.‎ Move fast, they're here!‎ Fast!‎ 
Move it!‎ 
Where are you going?‎ Hey?‎ 
I'll be back.‎ 
I'll be back after the election.‎ 
Let's go.‎ 
I'll be back after the election.‎ 
- What should we do?‎ 
- Be prepared, it'll work out.‎ 
- Wait how long?‎ 
- Don't go!‎ 
- Have you voted yet?‎ 
- No.‎ 
The ballot box is coming.‎ 
She could drown!‎ 
- Hi.‎ Have you voted?‎ 
- Hi.‎ No, we haven't.‎ 
Today is Election Day.‎ 
Can we use our ID cards?‎ 
No, you need to have
your original birth certificate.‎ 
- You have your birth certificate?‎ 
- No, I don't.‎ 
You have your birth
certificates with you?‎ 
- Can't we use our ID cards?‎ 
- Unfortunately not.‎ 
-Mohsen, you have your birth certificate?‎ 
- Me?‎ No.‎ 
- We'll go to Tehran, then.‎ Sorry.‎.‎.‎ 
- Watch out not to drown!‎ 
- We're going to Tehran.‎ 
- Hold on to the ballot box.‎ 
We're going to Tehran.‎ Take care.‎ 
- Bye.‎ 
- Bye.‎ 
Oh, Iran, our treasure land
Oh, Iran, our fountain of art
May "evil will" never find you
May you be strong and eternal
No death!‎ Long live he who opposes me.‎ 
We support a system where people
can change their representatives.‎.‎.‎ 
...in a maximum of 4 years, should
they not be satisfied with their service.‎ 
I would like to thank
the people of Tehran and.‎.‎.‎ 
A writer.‎.‎.‎ has a pen.‎.‎.‎ a mind
Today is.‎.‎.‎ 
Did you vote?‎ 
Hold on.‎.‎.‎ ballot box.‎.‎.‎ 
Watch out not to drown!‎ 
Walls, walls so tall, 
bound my vision in all directions
Walls so tall.‎.‎.‎ 
Walls reaching the height of despair
Are joy, the joyful, 
and envy all between each two walls?‎ 
To have my sight
divided in checkers by bars.‎.‎.‎ 
...and vision meets walls
in the distant lands of despair.‎ 
Was that alright?‎ 
What, you mean you want those on film?‎ 
Read something else.‎ 
Some day, 
we will once again find our doves.‎.‎.‎ 
...and kindness
shall take the hand of beauty
When a kiss will be the smallest hymn, 
and each man a brother for all other
When they will no longer
close the doors of their homes
And locks won't be but myths, 
and locks won't be but myths
Our heart will be all we need to live, 
that day when every word means love
So you don't go after
words to have the last say
When each lip is a song, 
so the smallest hymn can be a kiss
The day when we
once again feed our doves
The day when we
once again feed our doves
And it is that day, which I long for
And I long for that day, 
even when I no longer live
Even when I no longer live.‎.‎.‎ 
Even when I live no longer, 
live no longer, live no longer.‎.‎.‎ 
Mohsen Makhmalbaf #00:‎37:‎54.‎00,00:‎38:‎01.‎07
Produced by
Kish Tourism Organization, 2000