Interview with Samira Makhmalbaf on her film Blackboards

Create:‎ جمعه ۱۳۷۹/۲/۱۶ - ۱۳:۰
Author:‎ MFH

Director's interview:‎ 

Why did you choose Kurdistan as the location of your film The Blackboard?‎
The story of my first film THE APPLE took place in Tehran, which represents a part of Iran.‎ Kurdistan is also one of the regions of Iran.‎ My next film could possibly be shoot in some other region of the country… For The Blackboard, I traveled to different areas of Iran, including Kurdistan.‎ I was accompanied by my father, Mohsen Makhmalbaf.‎ We crossed some austere territory.‎ My father thought of various subjects, which he talked to me about during our voyages.‎ The idea which eventually became The Blackboard pleased me more than the others.‎
After The Apple, a small-budget film with a simple story and few characters, why did you choose such an ambitious production involving the use of hundreds of non-professional actors?
Each subject requires its own structure, and each subject its own means.‎ The screenplay of The Blackboard would not allow a shoot involving three or four characters.‎ The international recognition of The Apple gave me a lot of energy.‎ That energy longed for an outlet to be released.‎
The Blackboard is in the Kurdish language.‎ Were you familiar with this language before?‎
Luckily, both Persian and Kurdish are spoke to us in Persian, between themselves, they spoke in Kurdish.‎ In directing them, I paid careful attention to their expressions to be able to understand them.‎
Sometimes they proposed dialogues other than those in the original screenplay.‎ I found them suitable and seized the opportunity.‎ During the shooting, I picked up a lot of Kurdish and now I understand the language well when watching The Blackboard.‎ Saeed Mohammadi who plays the teacher Saeed was initially a consultant on the film.‎ Later he ended up becoming one of the principle actors.‎
Are all performers non-professional actors?‎
Yes Except Behnaz Jafari in the part of the woman Halaleh.‎ She is a talented young theater and cinema actress.‎
Was it difficult to direct a hundred or so persons at the same time?‎
It was difficult and easy at the same time.‎ Easy, because the ordinary people are simple.‎ And difficult, because they knew nothing about filmmaking and the camera.‎
To what extent is the subject matter of The Blackboard?‎
In fact, the film’s story is something between reality and dream.‎ The smuggling of contraband goods, wandering and the people’s struggle to survive are real.‎ For the character of Halaleh, was inspired by the life of a woman whose husband was killed.‎ I asked the actress to study closely that woman’s way of being.‎
Did the group of old men really come from Halabcheh?‎
Yes.‎ During the war between Iran and Iraq (1980-87)‎ the Iraqi Kurds took refuge in Iranian Kurdistan to escape chemical warfare.‎ Halabcheh is a city on the Iraqi border.‎ To suppress the Kurdish inhabitants, the Iraqi regime used chemical warfare.‎ We shot The Blackboard near that city.‎ There are still land mines left in the region.‎ Local inhabitants who knew the area well guided us to avoid the land mines.‎
And where did the young smugglers come from?‎
Those young boys cross the border every day to transport contraband goods to make a little money.‎ They risk their lives every day.‎
It seems to me that in The Blackboard you envision three generations of which only adults are interested in education and concerned for those who are indifferent.‎
That’s right.‎ The young must work hard to survive their parents have not provided for them.‎ Those young people don’t have much time to study.‎ The aged represent the past generation, which doesn’t have the patience to listen to others.‎ For them, it’s too late to learn.‎ They’ll just follow their same path.‎ Bad souvenirs and collective memory upset them.‎ That generation is more nationalistic than the others.‎ That generation approaches the end of its life and wishes to die on its own land.‎ That’s why that generation wants to return to its birthplace.‎
How long were pre-production and shooting for The Blackboard?‎
Pre-production and shooting were mixed together.‎ We worked in two parts for a total of four months.‎ There was a lot of works with extras.‎ Every morning, we sent eight vehicles to various villages in the area to recruit non-professional actors.‎ We had difficulties providing them with a hot meal.‎ And all that right in the middle of mountains very difficult to cross.‎ Other problems created themselves.‎ For example, when there was a funeral, a wedding or Friday religious services, work had to be stopped.‎ But I must say that the old men were very cooperative.‎ It was me who had to adapt to them.‎ Like for the river scene, I had to go into the icy water first myself.‎ That’s how began to direct them.‎ In that way I was better able to fully understand the situation.‎
To what extent did you father, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, help you on The Blackboard?‎
He produced the film and he wrote the screenplay.‎ In fact, it was more a story with proposed scenes.‎ For some of those scenes, he wrote several versions from which I could choose.‎ During the shooting, I developed those which I liked I rewrote the screenplay day by day.‎ Today I can say that the screenplay was written by both of us.‎ He later edited the film.‎
Did you participate in the editing of The Blackboard?‎
Yes, I was present, we discussed scenes together.‎ My father was very democratic, in regards to both the screenplay and the editing.‎ Aside from his own films, he has edited a dozen or so others.‎ Sometimes during the editing, he would tell me that he didn’t agree with the rhythm of a particular scene.‎ But he essentially respected my work.‎
Do you already have an idea for your next project?‎
I’d rather take my time.‎ Make a film each year and travel and study during the following year.‎ I have some ideas in mind, but I’m in no hurry.‎
Would you be interested in making a film abroad?‎
Maybe one day I’ll make a film abroad, but I must confess that I don’t know very well the world outside of Iran.‎ Even if I think that we are after all citizens of the world.‎ That said, I think that to make a film in another country, it’s very important to know the culture of that country.‎ On the other hand, I’m convinced that in each country there are enough good filmmakers to make films there.‎
Iranian society is evolving.‎ What is the current situation for women in general and artists in particular?‎
Iranian girls and women are becoming more and more active.‎ They participate in elections and in the social world.‎ They are stating to play more important roles.‎ In the media, theater and cinema, they are equally present.‎ We have a dozen or so female directors in activity in our country.‎

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