
Script: Blackboards

Create: Sat, 09/14/2013 - 14:50
Author: MFH

The Blackboard (Script)
Samira Makhmalbaf
Dirt road, daytime:
A dirt road in the heart of the mountains men’s footsteps are heard, and the sound of their conversation follows. Rural teachers with Kurdish costumes, carrying blackboards on their backs, approach the last turns and twists of the mountain road. One gives a water canteen to another, after drinking from it.
Man: Uncle Saeed, here is your water canteen. Thanks.
First teacher: You drank all of it! 
Man: Sorry! I was really thirsty!
First teacher: It’s ok.


Script: The Door

Create: Sat, 09/14/2013 - 14:39
Author: MFH

If my arrival were up to me, I would not have come;
If my departure were also up to me, would I ever Leave?
But would it not have been better altogether,
If I had not come into this ruined abode to rest and then depart?
Omar Khayam

The Door
Written By: Mohsen Makhmalbaf


Script: Gabbeh

Create: Sat, 09/14/2013 - 12:35
Author: MFH

 Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Unspecific surrounding, Day.
(A green gabbeh is being carried by the stream. A wolf howls in the distance. A girl against the blue background of a gabbeh, whose silhouette is a blue gabbeh, carrying a jar of water on her shoulder, turns her head and smiles when she hears the howl.)
A small spring, Day.
(An apple falls from a tree into the spring. An old woman in blue and an old man carrying a gabbeh on his shoulder and a basket in his hand slowly walk towards the pond.)


Script: The Apple

Create: Fri, 09/13/2013 - 20:41
Author: MFH


By: Mohsen Makhmalbaf


For Zahra and Massoumeh who are thirteen but look like two-years old because they spent eleven years in prison. Their jailor of the opinion that. “Time spent in prison cannot be counted as part of one’s life.”



A child’s hand pours a glass of water in a flower pot. An elderly father and a blind mother are sitting facing an unknown visita.


Script: The Man Who Came With The Snow

Create: Fri, 08/24/2007 - 21:00
Author: MFH


The Man Who Came With The Snow
1-   Railway – night:
A snowy night. A tall, haggard, raggedy man with a hat over his head and a backpack on one shoulder comes along on the railway. He looks at the houses around the railway with curiosity. He even stops at one point and looks at a shanty house on which snow is falling.
2-   Café, same time:


Script: Two-legged Horse

Create: Tue, 05/23/2006 - 22:00
Author: MFH

Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Kabul 2006

Two-legged Horse
1-Streets of Kabul, day
Mirvais has been a servant all his life. As soon as he was hollered by the wealthy, he ran for service and now Payeez, a wealthy man has requested for a boy servant for his lame son to carry him on his back and take him to and bring him back from school and attend him at home. Mirvais therefore, has taken every poor and hungry child he could find to Payeez’s home to see who will be the lucky one to be chosen as the servant.


Script: Scream Of The Ants

Create: Fri, 07/23/2004 - 13:00
Author: MFH

Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Summer 2004

This is the initial script. The final film differs in parts from this text.
Scream of The Ants
“Truth was a mirror in God’s hand that fell upon earth from the sky and broke. Every one picked up a piece, looked himself in it and thought that truth rested with him. But truth was scattered among all.”
